I still have trouble in doing that. Will I ever get over that person? Will another person ever look at me romantically?

  1. Go do things you enjoy and indulge yourself a little bit. It’s easier to feel better about your life when your life is actually more fun.

  2. Not sure this is what you’re looking for OP, but I met this one woman I fell in love with back in 2015. I really enjoyed her company and I didn’t know what love was until I had met her. I would spend nearly everyday with this person and it was great.

    She eventually broke up with me because we were going in different directions in life. I shut down and I felt incredibly empty. I was in shock for what felt like months. I spent all that time going to the gym and working on myself because I didn’t know else to do with that time.

    As time went on, I clung to the memories of her, but I slowly started forgetting about her. I would go from thinking about her everyday, to once a week to a couple times a month and then I stopped thinking about her, but I never forgot that feeling. For a long time I couldn’t even look at our pictures together without crying.

    I would go on to date other people and I knew it wasn’t the same as it was with the one girl. I met my current partner last year in December and we’ve been dating since January of this year. I have that feeling again and it’s stronger than it was when I was with that first girl. I now find that I don’t ever think about the old gf anymore. Sometimes a thought may come by, but I don’t dwell on it and the thoughts are never bad. I looked back at the photos on my phone a few months ago and I saw pictures of me with that old gf. I can now look at the photos fondly as a time that happened in my life where I experienced love. Some people live whole lifetimes without ever feeling it.

    Be happy to have felt it OP, it is one heck of a feeling.

    edit to add: I guess it took me 7 years lol

  3. I don’t think I ever got over it…. Just came the realization it just wasn’t meant to be. There are others out there and once you have even the slightest connection with someone else, all thoughts of the first go out the window.

  4. I tried many things. Fucked a shit ton of girls, got into a couple relationships, vacations etc. None of them really worked. One day, I was with a close friend that told me a similar story about his ex that resonated with me way too much. I guess something just clicked. Tried to never look back ever since

  5. You don’t

    Time softens the rough edges, but you’ll always remember them

    Whether you remember the good things or the bad depends on what you _want_ to remember

    They’ll always be a part of your history, and you can’t run away from yourself

  6. Time is the only answer, do whatever you need to stay busy. Hang out with friends or whatever you can. It’s a lot of time too. My first took me 8 months before I noticed it didn’t bother me as much.

    More importantly be careful to date anyone else. You will latch on just as a coping mechanism and may end up with someone you don’t actually care for much.

  7. Not convinced I actually have. It’s been like 8 years and although I don’t think about her as much as I used to, I still do.

  8. 1. You are just lonely. If you try to accept that sometimes you will feel that you will have improvement. 2. How did I get over it? My answer might seem odd but it’s how I did it. I came to the realization that I loved a lot of things, myself, my family, and my hobbies. Was my life differently good with that partner? Yes. But my life could be good anyway on my own. My best advice is to think about the things in life you love, you enjoy, and try to be happy. Once you can achieve that, life will seem always better than it was before. You just have to keep moving. Change is good, everything changes, so long as you never forget all the things you’ve experienced before.

  9. I haven’t. I tried because she moved states away for law school, but as soon as I thought about finally moving on, she hit me with a text saying she’s gonna be back in town for a bit and her and her family want to see me lol

  10. It has been 10 years since we broke up, if i fucking knew my heart had only one slot, i would have never dated anyone to begin with.

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