TLDR – my bf and I got into an argument over who is at fault for a rape.

My (31f) bf(31m) and I, got into an argument – admittedly a drunken one, but still – and I want your opinion:

We got home tonight from a drunken night out with his friends, which are mostly guys. And one of them, who was drunk and is the “Wild Card” of the group, hit on me big time and super aggressively. So aggressive, he smacked my ass so hard it still stings as I type this. I am not about to start a confrontation in the middle of a party, much less to a drunk AH that probably won’t remember this interaction… so I said nothing.

But, and here is the catch, my bf is extremely possessive and I appreciate that, as I am just as possessive and don’t tolerate much disrespect towards my partner, ya know? He laughed it off! I mean I laughed it off too, but I am a girl trying to keep peace – we have perfected the art of laughing insults off. He laughed it off and said “oh well it’s just X being X and he actually would rather suck a dick anyway “ (it is known he is very sexually fluid – and actually probably prefers transgender women).

I laughed his attitude off all night and didn’t think about what my bf said as it was a party and we were all hanging out and the dude that was stepping out of line eventually passed out on the couch.

But when we got home, our conversation went back to that situation and explained how uncomfortable that made me and he kept arguing how X actually prefers girls with dicks, and that’s why he wasn’t worried (please, I am not trying to offend any gender, it’s just that our friend in question, actually does prefer transgender women who haven’t undergone the whole transition) – so I said “most men, given the right opportunity, would rape. “ (in this case I was only arguing over a straight man and a biological woman, but it’s the same argument as the opportunity creates the criminal).

I explained further saying “most men, when taking a woman on a date, and the girl gives all the green lights, and he takes her home to keep things going, and she gets black out drunk in the process, he will keep on going, some all the way without express consent and the girl will wake up not understanding why she is naked and sore. So most men, given the opportunity, would rape.”

My bf was quiet and thought about it for a second and agreed with me. But then he added “yes, but why is she in his house in the first place?”

I got really heated at that point and told him I wanted to change the subject. I couldn’t argue anything that made sense because I was so angry! But I am still ruminating the conversation in my head and want to know if I am wrong in my opinion? I know he is too but how can I educate him? I don’t like that he thinks it’s a woman’s fault for being in the situation she found herself in, but am I not being just as unfair to say that most men could rape, given the circumstances?

Edit – nvm he woke up a decided to pee on the living room rug and throw me across the room when confronted. I’m not educating him.

  1. In your specific example, it’s obviously clear cut and you’re right.

    I could certainly be wrong, but was your boyfriend suggesting what he did to that specific example or was he being general?

    He was drunk and unable to consent to what he said.

  2. Well. I suppose he has a valid question. Why did she go there in the first place? The answer is most likely to have sex. That being said, anyone who is intoxicated, cannot give consent.. They could beg you to fuck them. Strip naked in front of you and beg. It’s still not consent. Not legally.

    In that situation, did you rape them? You had sex without getting consent, but you didn’t force yourself on them. They may have even forced themselves on you.

    I’ve personally been in this situation, and I rejected her relentless advances until she fell asleep. If I would have happened to be more intoxicated than I was, who knows if I would have slept with her or not? I would like to think I couldn’t have been charged with rape for giving in to someone expressly wanting my cock 🐓

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