TL;DR: 2 of the girls who are my friends acting weird/ different around me now that I started dating my girlfriend ( before dating her this year I was single for 2 years)

So I’m a M(26) and I have been dating a girl(24) for one year now… I am also in grad school so I am still a part of large friend groups. My girlfriend is pretty awesome, and is always looking out for me but I feel like most of my friends really like her but two of my friends (who are girls) don’t really try to interact with her much when she’s around. We can call the two of them girl A and girl B.

I went to hang out with friend A at dinner party she was having and the first thing she asked me was so “are you still with your girl”? She seemed genuinely interested in my answer but when I started talking to her about my girlfriend she didn’t seem to want to continue the conversation and gave me a one word answer. She’s always asking me why I don’t bring my girlfriend around to all of the events but whenever she is there she doesn’t talk to her even though my girlfriend is super polite. She has also recently started texting me randomly about things and all. Also not that this matters at all but she doesn’t like any of my ig posts or gave me any hints so I don’t think she’s interested in me.

Girl B has been my good friend since I started grad school but since I started dating my girl she rarely reaches out to me anymore. She also normally stays silent whenever I bring my girlfriend up. She also never asks any questions about her or anything…. But this is in contrast to friend A where if my girlfriend is around she does a lot to try to make her feel comfortable. She has also been very short/aggressive with me since I started dating my girl. She is also single but she seems to always be way more interested in talking to my roommate than talking to me?

I also make great efforts to talk/interact with the both of them. Any ideas what’s going on I just want to know how to fix all of these things so things can go back to normal… They are both in the same friend group with me but they aren’t very close

1 comment
  1. I don’t think there’s much you can do. There are many possibilities:

    – They don’t want to be too involved in your life as they feel like that could be too much for your girlfriend (projecting their own insecurity onto her)

    – They are jealous of your girlfriend. One aspect could be that she feels like she will get less attention from now on. Second aspect could be that she has a thing for you, or at least thought you had a thing for her and it gave her validation and now that mental image is gone for her.

    First one seems like girl B, second one seems like girl A.

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