Flying with easyJet tomorrow and my cold is kicking my arse. Anyone have any advice? Apart from not flying easyJet obvs.

EDIT: 1000% not covid, I’ve bought a mask for the first time since the pandemic said I should so I’m covered on the pariah side of things

EDIT 2: by “I’ve bought a mask for the first time” I meant SINCE .GOV SAID we didn’t have to wear them. I wore a hole through my covid masks. Sorry about clarity, read above re: shitcold

  1. Firstly, make sure it’s not covid.

    Secondly, wear a mask anyway as nobody wants to be I’ll.

    Lastly, try enjoy wherever you’re going

  2. Day nurse / night nurse caps.

    A couple of those and I’m much better for about 6 hours. You can get a combo pack that has both in it, just don’t take the night ones in the day, they will make you sleepy.

    Some supermarkets do their own versions as well.

  3. Sink half a bottle of whisky tonight. It’ll dehydrate you enough that you won’t have anything left to sniffle with tomorrow!

  4. Nasal decongestant spray. It relieves that horrible pressure you get on your face.

    Bring lots of water with you onto the plane and a waste bag for used tissues.

  5. There’s two ways neither of them guaranteed:

    1. Couple of ‘Irish Coffees’ (coffee with Whiskey) then go to bed with a hot water bottle and get right under the sheets (head as well) for as long as you can stand, repeat until you fall asleep’)

    2. Honey, lemon juice and hot water, have 3 times a day.

    Number 1. Is to sweat it out of you – 50% of the time you feel better the next day. 50% of the time you’ll feel just as bad but with a hangover

    Number 2. Takes the edge off, comforting but sometimes doesn’t do much but sometimes it helps

  6. As much hot honey and lemon and ginger as you can. Paracetamol. If sinuses are blocked then get some menthol and mint in a bowl with boiling water and steam under a towel over your head. Make good use of the Vicks and olbas oil …

    For actual travelling … Get the balsam tissues so you don’t rub your nose raw. I swear by the olbas inhaler sticks to clear my head a bit. And I’ve always liked lockets.

  7. The best medicine, IMO, is Contac-not cheap, but well worth it, effective and fast acting. OTC, but usually in a pharmacy, not a standard supermarket. Safe travels!

  8. Poor you, that’s rubbish. How are you with cocodamol type pain killers? If the answer is “don’t know” then keep it that way but if they will stop you caring for a couple of hours it might be worth a go. I like Day Nurse too but find it’s a bit brutal for a normal cold, helped me with Covid though. Tesco blocked nose tablets are good, sometimes even better than over the counter sudofed. Aspirin are surprisingly helpful too if you know you have no problems taking them. I really wouldn’t try anything new just before a flight, a snotty flight is bad, but an emergency landing would be terrible. Good luck, hopefully your holiday excitement will make you forget your cold.

  9. Day Nurse is brilliant and if it’s a long flight you could take Night Nurse which will make you sleep

  10. Day Nurse is brilliant and if it’s a long flight you could take Night Nurse which will make you sleep

  11. Day Nurse is brilliant and if it’s a long flight you could take Night Nurse which will make you sleep

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