Bonus points: would you be happier with that X amount of dogs instead of your significant other?

Honestly considering giving up on women and just investing in dogs. They will always love you. She won’t

  1. What do you consider a “committed relationship?” Why is it one or the other? Why would I want more than one or maybe two dogs?

  2. None, My wife has more time to take care of the dogs and is the reason we can have them at all. Money isn’t the issue, we could have 50, there just isn’t enough time to give them. We currently have 2 and foster when we can.

  3. Not a dog fan. Or a cat fan for that or a pet person and all. I have farm animals and I’d buy a few more of those. . So I’d say none even if I had to, I have zero use for either.

  4. >They will always love you. She won’t

    When my girlfriend leaves me, she just leaves. It sucks, but you get over it in a few weeks. Then you listen to some Gloria Gaynor and go out drinking. My breakup from my first good relationship hit me pretty hard, but it’s easier since then and I’m more secure about things. When I think about my exes now I hope they’re doing well but mostly I don’t really think about them.

    When my dog leaves me, it’s this whole scene that destroys me for months. It’s been years now and I still can’t really think about it without crying. And it doesn’t get easier. Complete emotional devastation, every time.

  5. No more dogs for me..I ve had them ,tie you down to much. can t go any were have find dog sitter .have to worry bout being home to let them out..They get wet smell up house and furniture..cost lot going to vets . fight with anther dog even if your dog on leash there’s allways others around off leash run up to yours…Pluss they break ya heart when die..I done em but never get anther one..

  6. I love dogs and I have a great dog. I wouldn’t mind a girlfriend too, but with the amount of love already in my home with a dog and two cats, it’s pretty incredible how okay I am with not having one and not even trying to find one.

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