What do you do when no one is looking at you ?

  1. How do I know no one is looking? Can I see everyone? Is there cover somewhere? What about cameras? Are cars passing?

    Someone is always watching.

  2. Zoom out. If I do that while someone’s watching, I look like Andrew Martin (Robin Williams’ character in “Bicentennial Man”).
    My mind and body are never ever in the same place for more than 5 minutes. It’s a full time job keeping these 2 together :))

  3. if I’m walking from point a to point b (especially at a camp or in a large building), I’ll jog if no one’s around. Because 1) exercise and 2) to save time

  4. I start to get inside my own world, probably doing some singing in my nice voice, then sing a stupid song because my brain went there and i just want to remove that from my mind.

  5. scratching my ass / ass crack 😂 sorry but sometimes a woman’s ass itches even more when the underwear is hanging in the ass crack and then you just have to scratch it 😅

  6. Scratch that one side of my nose that’s been so itchy that i don’t want to scratch yet because I know I’ll make that funny ratatouille face if i scratch it.🐭

  7. I give myself peep talks! Like, if I’m switching laundry over, I’ll say to myself “look at you! You’re gonna have underwear to wear tomorrow! Go you.” or if I’m cooking, I’ll mumble “ooooo this smells good, you cheffy bitch!” I do it ALOT to. My husband has caught me a few times.

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