Tldr: I like this guy but he says he’s working on himself and not ready for a relationship

So I (18) like this friend of mine (21) we are great friends and we talk for hours and hang out a lot. We sometimes have conversations that can be seen as flirting and we play fight a lot. I didn’t want to catch feelings but I did and I ended up saying that I liked him he said he likes me as a friend and gave me 5 reasons why he’s not interested in a relationship.
1. He’s focusing on his education
2. He’s not in a good place emotionally for a relationship
3. He won’t permanently stay in Mississippi
4. He’s in an on and off relationship with someone he hasn’t spoken to in months
5. He’s really busy

All good reasons but I like being his friend we’ve continued as normal yesterday he showed me a picture he drew that was romantic and said it might be us one day. He still reiterated that he’s not ready right now however. I know this is really stupid but I really like him and I need advice on what I should do going forward.

  1. I’d move on. You have multiple examples for why this won’t work out and there’s no sense waiting on something that probably won’t happen.

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