what is the female equivalent of the “alpha bro” personality type?

  1. The female equivalent is a boss babe. But they’re a real headache. Its like dating a guy. Truth be told it’s a real turn off.

  2. Girl boss. Often found in legal school.

    Young and Superior Feminist. Ready to lecture anyone on how toxic they.

  3. Girl boss, the new version of “strong independent woman who don’t need no man.” Really it just means you’re a pain to be around.

    If you have to tell people you’re strong, independent, and confident, you’re likely none of those things. Like Sally from the show Barry.

  4. A self proclaimed ‘independent woman’
    Rather than just being one they have to tell you they’re one.

  5. A “Pick Me”. Basically a woman who puts men’s interest, opinion, beliefs above everything, even human decencies. They also tend to hold very traditional views and tend to be very misogynistic and supportive of sexist double standards.

  6. Well alpha isn’t a real thing. Even the researcher that originally came up with it admitted that he was wrong.

    But for the sake of the question:

    Boss babe/chick


    “I’m a strong independent woman!”

  7. The crossfit shrimp. You know those 5-foot-nothing women who obsessively cross-fit, have 8% body fat and basically look like a short rectangle. No hips, no breasts, but thighs that can crush a watermelon and an ass that enters a room before she does.

  8. The feminist, “I’m strong and independent” with her own job, apartment, car etc.

    News flash, no guy is “intimidated” by you. Guys are indifferent to bank accounts and college degrees because they aren’t going to suck our dicks.

    If guys aren’t talking to you, they’re not intimidated, you’re just an unlikable cunt.

  9. “Boss girl” “boss bitch”

    They are usually aggressive and combative. If a guy acted that way, most men would probably punch him.

  10. “ Crazy Bitch ! “ if you hear that, you know you are the matriarch of the pack !

  11. Over the years I’ve heard the girl scout moms complain about the “alpha bitch” but that seems rare according to Reddit. Elementary school PTA leadership was like that too.

    If you want to meet an “alpha bitch” or whatever, just have a daughter and meet her girl scout troop leaders, you’ll eventually run into some ladies whom have a lot of time on their hands to pretend to lead and be hyper assertive about what seems like everything. Not all GS leaders are like that, most are pretty reasonable, but its kind of like how if you want to find moths you look around the lightbulb at night, its a “target rich environment”.

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