It’s that time of year. Making holiday cards for family and friends. For those of you who do this tradition/gesture, how do you go about deciding who to send to each year?

A lot has happened to me this year and I’m well aware who supported me and who did not. I’m also aware of people who I asked about their day and to hang out and the ones that ignored me and never bothered responding. Maybe I’m just getting old and jaded.

Some people I have been sending cards to for decades and never once have they sent a card back, said thank you, said really much of anything to me all year even when I initiate. Am I making this too complicated? I guess I should eliminate people that don’t value my friendship and cherish the rest right? I don’t know, I feel like a jerk if I don’t send cards to people I always send cards too.

This is a topic that’s been brought up many times by my psychologist. She says I’m too nice and this is why I go about life being depressed at times because I let people take advantage of my genuine niceness. I need to stop. How do you stop caring so much about other people? Sorry for multiple questions. Hopefully there are others here going through the same thing.

  1. You’re overthinking it a bit.

    Wait for the cards to come in and send a card out to everyone who sends you one.


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