There are plenty of stories of people going through their partners phones because of a “gut feeling” and finding out they’re cheating. I asked to see if people truly get this “gut feeling” only when their partner is cheating or if more people find out they just don’t trust their partners as much as they thought they did.

My personal thoughts on the matter is that you’ll rarely hear about when people go through their partners phone for no reason if they don’t find anything, you *only* hear about the stories when they find something so the invasion of their partner’s privacy is justified and i think it implicitly encourages other people to do it. Its an invasion of privacy whether they’re really cheating or not and honestly, im a firm believer in the saying “if you go looking for problems, you *will* find them.”

  1. I had an ex that did this because apparently she had a gut feeling. Yeah, it turned out she had cheated on my a lot and it was a part of her feeling guilty and hoping to justify herself. It certainly helped to end the relationship.

  2. I’ve done this to three women only of the ones ive dated. Something didn’t feel right. I checked and I was right. Pictures or inappropriate messages. Unfortunately 5 of the ones I dated I didn’t get that wrong feeling were cheating on me too. Doesn’t always work. The times I felt it I was
    100% right.

  3. I had one relationship that involved looking into eachothers phones and it created alot of assumptions, jealousy and anxiety even if there was no suspicious activity. I found that there was no privacy and it became edgy, and uncomfortable for both of us. So I decided to make a rule for my next serious relationship, in which that rule was to not look into eachothers phones. That was our own personal space, contacts, searches excetera and I’ve managed to have a very long term relationship because of it.

    I believe giving your significant other that kind of privacy is allowing trust to be built and a chance to come forth and communicate without jumping to conclusions or assumptions.
    If there is cheating to be worried about, I view it a little differently than some people as if its gunna happen then the damage has already been done and digging through the files to learn more of it is only going to make things messy. If your significant other truly cares about you they will be honest and discuss these matters with you without creating this barrier.
    In the end I believe what matters most is if you and your partner are happy and come home to one another with love and affection no matter what happens in a day and there should be no reason to be digging through their personal phones, excetea. If there is anything unloyal or untrustworthy happening behind the scenes then consider if this is what makes this person’s character the reason you love them or not. As there are cases when an affair can actually strengthen a long lasting relationship or marriage. We are all just human in nature.

  4. Yes it’s an invasion of privacy but when I think about the time I did it, I realize had I never went through the phone I likely would’ve never found out or it would have been much further down the line. My partner was cheating on me our entire relationship and I didn’t know until 2 years in. I wish I would’ve looked sooner to have less time wasted but I was like you and wanted to respect his privacy. I’m now a firm believer in your gut never lies. If something is nagging you and makes you physically ill, more likely it’s true than not

  5. I found several years of texts, including arrangements for “meetups” , with the married loser that she had an affair with FOR OVER A DECADE prior to marrying me. Kicked her to the curb…

  6. This is when things get philosophical. Technically your life’s happiness should be in your hands and your perception and your surroundings and your experiences.

    If you are centering your focus around *her* perception and experiences, and yes, chances are some of them will not align with yours.

  7. It wasn’t intentional I suppose. I was wiping electronics before they got recycled and I got this deep pit in my stomach when I got to our phones. Opened his, was about to wipe and couldn’t help but peek. I found YEARS of cheating with many women. Sometimes you have to trust that gut feeling.

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