I was having sex with this girl and during it she was like “youre so good at fucking me” and i was fingering her and she was like “youre good at that“ but then i got in my head and i was like what if shes just saying that to be nice

  1. Just go with it. Just enjoy the moment. Don’t read into it that much. If she says you’re good then accept that and ALWAYS try to get better.

    Usually you can tell from their body language. Tightly closed eyes. Increased breathing. Shudders and twitching. You just have to watch and listen. Even ask her what she likes. Do you want me to go faster, slower, deeper, etc. Be sure to tell her to not be afraid to ask or instruct you as to what she likes and wants. Hope this helps and good luck!

  2. What makes you good at sex isn’t about looks or skill but really enthusiasm! Even if you’re not the best in bed, taking the initiative to learn more and communicate to your partner what they do or don’t like is one of the best things you can do. It shows you care about your partner’s pleasure. From there, you’ll have to take their word and listen to their body

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