I have anxiety and I’m sometimes worried about what people think of me which has caused me to not be myself due to how concerned about what others think of me. I gained some insight recently however and that’s that nothing bad actually happens if someone doesn’t like you.

It literally doesn’t matter, sure they may not want to be your friend but who actually cares? My life isn’t over if someone doesn’t like me and I’m not actually gonna get hurt if they don’t. On the flip side, not caring about it allows you to be yourself which actually brings people to like you more who relate more with you. It’s a win-win, no fake people enter your life and you gain more friends who are similar to you.

Try it, try not caring what people think for one hour and see how it goes. Being empathetic is important too but that’s not changing who you are to get others to like you. It’s really cool to have this insight. Thanks for reading and have a good weekend 👍

1 comment
  1. Facts. Overthinking, overreacting, anxiety, nervousness, and fear go hand in hand with being idle in life. You need to be actively doing things in life, whether it be pursuing your goals, hobbies, or passions. The more idle you are, the more you will excessively worry about others, and the more you will train yourself to be needy, clingy, attached, desperate, and overly dependent on other people’s attention and validation. Other people can sense when this is happening and will be less inclined to validate you. That’s when you start ruining your connections.

    Also, I wrote about what happens when you overthinking things and how you come off to others when you overthink everything : https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/we54zy/big_tip_to_reduce_your_social_anxiety_and_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

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