ever since my ex and i broke up
she keeps coming over once a day to my school (her school is next to mine) to chat with one of my classmates (a girl) for no reason and it’s always very awkward and surely gets me uncomfortable, she used to be very obsessed over me and i have a feeling she does this to make sure that i’m not with anyone else. what do i do?

  1. My wx used to do this to! Im a 21F. Honestly my situation was weird too where he was obsessed with me and would do everything to try to get in contact with me or find out where i was. Anyways. If you arent friends with that person in your class i would keep my distance from them. If you feel like they are talking about you then that person doesnt have pure intentions either. Just keep distance and if you post on social media. Dont post like people you are with or locations till its cooled down. Theres not much to do in these situations so it’s hard. I would definitely mot confront anyone because they could try to paint it differently. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask more question here or dm.

  2. Just keep livin yo life and if she still doin it after you find someone else then just tell her to move on idk

  3. My ex used to do this. Playing the best person that she could be. I told her to stop it because it was pathetic and those same friends used to create problems for us while we were together she stopped . I got rid of those friends a very short while after. 2 birds one stone.

  4. Ur class friends were always on his mind not u he we’ll look for u when they give him the curve

  5. He not really worried about u just ur class mates. Let him be he well come back to u when they throw him to the curve. Maybe I should of be in ur class I well sweep u off ur feet

  6. Well, it sounds like your in high school which from my understanding and experience is when a girl might be obsessed with you or healthy into you or don’t want anything to do with you.

    As I remember I don’t think I had a specific someone that was obsessed with me maybe for a bit but I was wrongly and stupidly into this one girl. Which turned to bite me in the ass as they were definitely not the right one.

    Anyways, just ignore your classmates and move on with your life. Meet other girl classmates or meet them from a different school. Form new groups of friends and socialize as much as you can cause what happens is, you’ll meet another girl that you’ll life

    And they might be one that you both can hold a relationship well into adulthood. And if not, we’ll you’ve lived your high school years socializing and having fun and then your ready for the next phase in life which is important while your young.

  7. Two words OP restraining order. And get a no contact order on her as well. And see if you can get the school to ban her from the school since she doesn’t go to your school. Same with her school as well because she reminds me of my psycho ex who wouldn’t leave me alone until my brother had the school to get a restraining order on her. Both her and her mom were run out of town as a result.

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