So basically I am not allowed to date anyone who isn’t the same religion as me, so it isn’t as easy to get with girls, anyways so my friend is getting it on with what seems to be the only cute,nice girl and same age who lives relatively near me. I am 14 my friend is 16 and the girl is 14. I don’t know what to do to get with her, even though I am taller, stronger, and arguably funnier and more talented than my friend. (I draw as a side job/hobby and have gotten pretty good at it) and I whooped him in basketball today. Anyways it basically seems that I am better than him in every way besides a couple things, a couple things being that he has better hair and less acne, he has that like curly hair on top short on sides that every other teen has. Also I am getting a perm soon so I will have similar hair but idk im pretty sure it’s not just that lol I feel like it would be better to be with a person ur age too, especially at this age, like if she stays with him until he’s 18 then she’s gonna have to wait another 2 years also before they do anything serious I really want this girl to like me as she seems to be “the only one” She has also called me cute before but that was a couple months ago, before they really got together It seems that she likes to hang out with me, and I get to fairly often as my sister and her are best friends, but she is all over my friend when he is around, and I don’t know I don’t know what to to better She and my friend also had their first kiss recently so this isn’t some kind of small thing
Currently no one besides me and the other boys know that it happened and it’s a secret as we can’t technically have a relationship until 18 and so I think 1 have enough years to change things and get with her but I don’t want to “steal his girl” so it would have to be a slow thing if it even happened.
Anything I can do to “appeal” more to her?

  1. >even though I am taller, stronger, and arguably funnier and more talented than my friend.

    There’s no dibs. This girl is not some property to be ‘stolen.’ She’s her own person and can make up her own mind who she wants to date. IF she wants to date your friend, tough shit. Go find another girl.

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