What made your ex crawl back to you with them realizing that the grass isn’t always greener ?

  1. He messaged me on Facebook to ask for advice, because he thought I knew him better than anyone. I don’t know if that’s true, I just was capable of seeing through his bullshit after a year of dating.

    He’d realised that even after breaking up with me, he still wasn’t happy, and the same patterns in his life were still repeating. I told him that I’m not a free therapist, and if he wants to figure that shit out, he should pay someone for it. Then I blocked him. 🙂 felt good.

  2. Literally every guy I ever dated came crawling back asking for another chance a few months after I broke up with them. They realized that they lost something good and wanted another change

  3. When they realized it wasn’t easy finding another partner as nerdy as me

    “I miss having someone to play video games with” Is what he said to me LOL

  4. He didn’t want to “waste his teenage years with me”. He ended up wasting them even more because he didn’t get laid at all lol. I guess he thought that having me was better than having nothing at all but I already moved on with someone who doesn’t think he’s “wasting” anything.

  5. They realized that contrary to what they may have told themselves, there just wasn’t anyone quite like me. Unfortunately for them
    (and fortunately for me), I never go back to exes, as we broke up for a reason.

  6. There ain’t that many like me out there.

    Also, importantly, he was not easy to get to know and he desperately wanted to be known, and I knew him extremely well. After a few years of being together he had become accustomed to the free therapy.

    I had a hard time cutting him off. It took my over a year to really quit him but I’m glad I did.

  7. Things felt rocky/off for about two weeks. I decided to stop by after work to have an honest, open conversation to get to the bottom of things. His roommate let me in. I go downstairs, he’s walks out of the bathroom in a dressy button down & jeans looking shocked to see me. I ask if we can talk, he said he’s going out wirh the guys, I close the distance between us & can smell he’s wearing cologne. I ask about it bc he never wears cologne going out with the guys. He starts to pick a fight. I ask him what’s really going on bc this behavior isn’t like him, then just stand there in silence. Eventually he sighs, throws his hands up & says, “I’ve been seeing someone else. I’m taking her out tonight.” I say, “what? What do you mean you’re seeing someone else?” And then from upstairs I hear, “um… I’m here.” My eyes go big bc I realize this has probably been going on for a while if she let herself, I walk upstairs. It’s a “friend” of his that was well aware we were dating.

    About a month later the cheater got cheated on by the girl he cheated with… you guys… my (not) shocked face. He called me kinda half sobbing about how much it hurt to get cheated on, and how he’s sorry he did that to me, I was the best thing he ever had, he can’t believe he threw it all away, how he was now ready to commit to me, build a life with me, etc. I was silent the whole time. The faux sobs stop and he asks, “aren’t you going to say something?” Nope.

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