20 yearold guy here, so for the past 8 weeks i’ve been sitting next to this girl in a programming course typa thing. From the start i was sorta drawn to her idk why i’m not the ’emotional fall in love quick’ typa guy (not saying anything’s wrong with it just saying i ain’t like that) so we started talking around 2nd session its not much but we got a little friendlier! We laugh, we talk about passions well she does i mostly listen i’m a quiet guy not shy just quiet. She drives me crazy not in a bad way but in a “i wanna hug you and tell you how much i like you” way she is really sweet, cute and super friendly! So anyways i wanna ask this girl out but don’t know how everytime i wanna talk to her i go ooga booga mode i can’t stop all the emotions going in my head and its a new thing to me its kinda scary. I’m mostly concerned about two things: 1) idk if she has a boyfriend or not 2) i don’t wanna make her uncomfortable and come across as a creep
So my question was how can ‘safely’ i ask her out without ruining her safe space? and how can i find out if she has a boyfriend or not without ditectly asking?
Thank you.

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