Is going to therapy when you are young okay or should one learn to deal with life events ?

  1. If the issue bothers you and you have the means for a therapist, just go. Once you’ve gone and the therapist has analyzed it for you, you can decide if it’s an issue worth continuing to go for.

  2. therapy is a tool to help you deal with life events. even if you don’t go to therapy forever, you can learn things to forever improve your life/wellbeing

  3. Therapy gives you tools to deal with things better. You can learn how to deal with things by yourself but it doesnt mean youre going to learn how to deal with it in a healthy way. I think the end goal is to learn healthy habits so you can pass down healthy habits to your children.

  4. It depends how bad you are and whether therapy is a practical coping mechanism in regard to affordability and time. I have friends who need therapy because they always procrastinate and don’t manage their time wisely, thus feeling overwhelmed and stressed (they do not have any diagnosed mental disorders as of date). Meanwhile, my cousin desperately needs therapy due to a traumatic upbringing and stunted social growth. I don’t get therapy because I just like “sucking it up” but I definitely understand that this approach can be extremely destructive for other people, and maybe even for myself if I don’t balance my life healthily. Overall, go to therapy if this is something out of control, like mental disorders, trauma, or so on. If this is more of a lifestyle issue, you might just need to find some willpower before spending too much money on therapy. Above all else, trust your own needs. Everybody has a different story and life is never experienced the same way for me as it is for you. I do not know what you are going through.

  5. Therapy is like any other way to process or sort through your feelings and experience. You have to use it. You can’t abuse it. And it doesn’t work for everyone.

  6. Depends on why you are going to therapy. If you have the same urges like Dexter… then you probably should see a therapist.

  7. Don’t listen to anyone here that says therapy isn’t a good idea. My parents both had a lot of mental health issues and had no access to therapy growing up. Not to mention, the general viewpoint towards therapy from previous generations might be a negative one (depends on the culture). If you’re in a position where you’re able to go to therapy you absolutely should. It will help you grow tremendously.

  8. You’re supposed to ball up all those emotions and put them deep into the pit of your stomach. Then one day you will draw on those emotions and get a multikill.

  9. It depends on if your therapist is fucking nuts or not. They aren’t magic, just people trained by other fucked up people that may understand that you are more fucked up than most or be pissed off you are normal. You still have to use your own brain.

  10. Try it out. Like a lot of people are saying, it’s likely to help you with life events.

    As in, if you get therapy now, you’ll probably need less later.

  11. Going to therapy helps you learn to deal with life events in ways where you dont end up harming yourself and others

  12. I started going to therapy at 39, and there are days I wish I went 20 years ago. I say go now!

  13. If you must, think of therapy like training wheels that some of us never got to use when first riding a bike, so as adults, you’re having to re-learn how to do it with actual support and tools to aid you along the way so you can ride in a way that feels good.

  14. I used to have night terrors when I was in elementary school. If I didn’t go to therapy and learn tools to deal with it there, I still might be dealing with them on the daily. Because of therapy I could actually get a good nights sleep going into my teenage years

  15. Therapy is how you learn to deal with life lessons.

    I went to therapy from ages 11-16. My first therapist wasn’t bad he just wasn’t helpful. So my mother found me another one and a few sessions in I expressed that I didn’t think this was working. And he told me therapy wasn’t going to make my problems go away. Therapy was how I was going to learn to tackle and deal with what was going on in my life and in my head.

    And he was right. Therapy didn’t “fix” me. But it taught me a LOT about how I operate and how to handle what life throws at me in all aspects.

    For those reasons I think therapy is good for everyone. Even those of us who don’t seem to need any help.

  16. Lots of fucked up people in my profession. However! There are those who do ongoing personal work & are invaluable. Interview them thoroughly before picking a therapist. Ask them how long they’ve done personal therapy. They’ll only take you as deep as they have gone.

  17. Have you actually suffered significant trauma or are you just failing to deal with normal events?

    Healthy people don’t need therapy.

  18. It’s totally ok at any age to go to therapy. Not all of us were taught how to handle life events properly or at all.
    Take care of yourself, if you feel that you need therapy then you need therapy. End of story.

  19. Therapy, at least GOOD therapy, is a place to learn how to deal with things when life so far hasn’t equipped you to do so.

    If you have a skills gap it should never be a source of shame to seek education from a professional to close it, no matter your age.

  20. This is such a stupid question that needs further details.

    [said with sarcasm] Therapy definitely isn’t necessary if you’ve been sexually abused for a year now and clearly have trauma. You should be man enough to know how to cope.

  21. Yes going to therapy when your young is a good idea the therapist can teach you emotional intelligence. One of the most useful things you can learn for a good life. And allows you to know yourself fully

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