what is the biggest problem affecting the most men today?

  1. I’d say loneliness and boredom. I feel empty right now and I’m an absolute pariah in my area, been here for 13 years in a tourist trap and the locals are elitists who want nothing to do with me. Lack of affection and sex is one thing too, we don’t ask for much to simply improve our mental health.

  2. there’s a lot being done to break down the stigma of men’s mental health but there’s still a perceived value decrease for men who express emotions outside of situations deemed appropriate by others

  3. The fact that we get told that our feelings matter by people who really couldn’t give a shit. We get told that not talking about our issues is considered toxic masculinity by the same people who think that merely saying “open up” is some kind of magic spell that will all of a sudden make it easy to do just that. Don’t you think if society truly cared about our emotions or we felt like it, we would?

  4. btw i posted in askwoman thread too, just asking about biggest problem affecting woman, and it got removed

  5. There are many problems that affect men, but some of the most common include mental health issues, relationship problems, and financial difficulties.

    Some of the most serious problems facing men today include mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 6.7 million men in the United States suffer from depression. In addition, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in the United States, affecting 40 million adults, or 18.1% of the population.

    Relationship problems are another common issue affecting men. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 61% of men said that being a good husband or partner is one of the most important things in their lives. However, men also reported higher levels of stress in their relationships than women. In addition, men are more likely than women to experience marital problems and divorce.

    Financial difficulties are also a common problem for men. A study by the Federal Reserve found that 47% of men said they worried about their finances, compared to 32% of women. In addition, men are more likely than women to experience job loss and poverty.

  6. lack of a feeling of responsibility. Lack of a community. the feeling of being disposable.

  7. Loneliness! As a Man I’m okay with being along for the most part but everyone wants to be seen heard and loved. I feel a lot of men will claim that they don’t care but deep down everyone wants that connection. This in return feeds the depression.

  8. Poor social skills. Improving social skills makes it easier to find better friends, have more fulfilling friendships, ask for help when you need it, find better relationships and find jobs.

  9. Idk if it’s the biggest, but I have one. Lack of community. Fraternal organizations are now deemed toxic, outdated, and sexist. There are vanishingly few spaces where men are able to be together without any women present AND not be judged for it. If a woman demands entry she’s portrayed as some kind of intrepid pioneer, fighting against the vast, powerful patriarchy. No, Emily, it’s just a bunch of dudes who want to play pool and darts for awhile without being bothered.

    There are lots of spaces where women can be together with no men present, and it’s seen as important sisterhood. If a man demands entry, he’s a weirdo creeper.

    Not saying spaces exclusively for women shouldn’t exist. They should. Spaces just for men should exist too.

  10. Loneliness and extremely unrealistic expectations from society. Men, nowadays more than ever, don’t feel understood and supported in way too many areas of life.

  11. Economy. I swear most of the time when I hang out with my biddies, they will either talk about money, politics, economy on the whole, wars and bragging.

  12. Just not being able to talk to anybody at all about how or what I really feel. Guilt traps everywhere when I do.

  13. Mental health.

    I started going to Psychiatry. It was going well, Until I started explaining more of my trauma and problems. My Psychiatrist got uncomfortable with me and they discharged me because they want their staff to “feel safe”.

  14. Actually getting *help* for our mental health. We are brought up in a society that tells us that our natural state is dysfunctional, which makes it even more difficult for a lot of men to realize that there is actually a problem. Why don’t men seek out help during mental crises? We’ve been conditioned to believe that the symptoms we experience are normal, we minimize our crises because it is not on the same level as other people who we see as worse-off and struggling.

    If we realize the issue is as big as it is, we don’t want to burden someone else with our problems. We tend to think even professionals, who are paid to help us, will see us as a burden because our piteous issues take time away from people with more serious problems. And if we acknowledge we need help, we often are treated like we are broken, which is detrimental to the psyche that has been built up to believe the appropriate function of a man in society is to be intelligent and able to solve problems. That somehow men are supposed to be paragons of logic and repair. To be broken is to not be a man by the standard set by the conditioning society puts on us from early grade school or even before school begins in some cases.

  15. I would say lack of purpose.

    A lot of what has been mentioned here (depression, suicide, disaffection, etc.) most likely stems from feeling unnecessary. Or least it is one contributing factor.

  16. Probably the new financial landscape that makes so many full time working men barely being able to afford an apartment. Home ownership for many men Is the duty of men.

  17. Netflix, Disney, etc portraying men as either utter pigs or absolute bumbling idiots that can’t even change a tyre. No in between, no normal behaviour. No shining examples for boys to follow

  18. Economics. My grandfather didn’t graduate high school, but was able to support 6 kids, a wife, buy a home, and have a pension.

    I graduated from college and make significantly more than most Americans but I still can’t meet his standard of living.

  19. Pathetically low wages for jobs that require 8+ years of relevant experience. Example: Lab Manager for 25k is un-fucking-acceptable.

  20. Only getting intimacy from sexual intercourse. I’m convinced most men just want a hug or to be held most of the time rather than bang but that’s not how men are supposed to be.

  21. That my value as a person is directly linked to my ability, or inability, to provide for others. It seems more noticeable as I get older. Like women I meet to potentially date are judging me on my ability to take care of them financially. I usually find the same women are into women’s rights and “feminism “. They want a traditional relationship but also want to play the sexism card whenever it benefits them. The double standard is ridiculous. I think this is why we see so many younger men chosing to not get married or have children. There’s no upside anymore.

  22. Testosterone. Most men are experiencing low TR without knowing, and hormones play a massive role in your day to day health and your mental health.

  23. Men specifically i think feel loneliness much more than women do (by average)

    I think general stress and hopelessness is felt very strongly by both genders at the moment. There is a general feeling of the world going down hill in almost every way and the people in control only looking after themselves with little chance of any of that changing with anything shy of a civil war.

    The communal anxiety spreading through the world, i think, is breaking people inside and out. Men, again generally, arent allowed to feel this way so it tends to get pent up.

  24. Married 10 years, 5 kids, no friends. I have fuck all to talk about my problems with, I have no time to go do anything, I’m putting on about 5 lbs a year and I’ve just stopped caring.

    Here’s to dying a slow quiet lonely death.

  25. Relying solely on online dating. Folks, there’s a reason so many more people are lonely these days.

  26. One that I don’t see mentioned here is that men are largely villainized in popular culture.

    Allegedly, men have all the power via patriarchy, they are violent criminals, sexual predators, bad parents, etc. And this has real world consequences for men, like in the case of divorce settlements and custody agreements, which almost always favor women.

    And since men are perceived as the “stronger” sex, the ones in power, there often isn’t much support available for them. I have yet to see an Employee Resource Group for men, for example.

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