Just posting as i need to vent and have no friends. For the last few years I’ve had basically no friends and even when I did I never really felt valued in he group or like I fit in. When I had friend that were nice and did include me I would often hear remarks that I was a bit weird or sometimes annoying. At the time I was very confused and hurt by these comments but after a couple of years of self reflection and starting therapy I can kinda understand were they were coming from. I recently got an adhd diagnosis and honestly it explains a lot. A lot of people I know with adhd are very loud and outgoing and it almost seems to benefit them socially however I feel as though mu inability to read social cues and impulsiveness makes me really unlikeable. After socialising with people I alway leave feeling ashamed and like I’ve just annoyed them. I just don’t know how to act like everyone else. It’s really hurting my self esteem and making me feel like I’m never going to fit in with anyone and just destined to stay alone forever.

  1. Well, if it makes you feel better you are not alone. There’s plenty of people that are loud, extroverted, and struggle with social cues. On top of that they will relate to you if you try to share your experiences with social interactions. I know I relate.

  2. Having ADHD is actually so hard to deal with in life and people that don’t get it frustrate the fuck out you

  3. #1 love value yourself a little more. I know it’s easier said than done, it you have a purpose. Listen to other speak, get to know your crowd. We all want to be liked, loved etc.. but sometimes we individuals want to be heard, want to be the person that makes people laugh, etc.. say less, listen more, eventually you’ll find someone you connect with where you can truly express your feelings and be yourself. In the meantime get to know your audience.

  4. I have ADHD so everybody put me in role that I played my whole life. Slow and dumb.

    My parents tought I was a r*tard, even tho I was diagnosed with a high IQ. I tried to fit in.

    I dont and never will ! Everywhere I went I was always the special one. At this point I dont hide anymore and my life got much better.

    I work on myself really hard to improve but I dont hide it anymore.

    I only have benefits from it. I finally dont hide my intellect anymore and now my family need to keep up with me.

    Its nice.

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