I Left During Argument

Me (M21) and my GF (F21) got into an argument today regarding the time we spend at each other’s houses during the holidays. I really did want to just see what she had to say so I tried the Gottman method of asking questions and not blaming her. She was not having it for some reason. She was raising her voice and sounding very angry. I asked her what was wrong and she said nothing and that she wasn’t angry or even upset. I didn’t buy it so I said that I didn’t know what was happening and I was just trying to talk. She said sarcastically that everything was her fault and that she didn’t want to talk anymore. I said ok and let her have a few minutes to think. I began talking again and she still wasn’t talking. We were in the car at the time heading towards bowling with her family. I asked her if we were going to talk and she said she didn’t know what to talk about and then said no to talking. I asked her if she should take me back home which she didnt respond to. I said if we weren’t going to talk then I want to go home. She then drove me home and not a word has been said since.

This is a reoccurring problem for us: she shuts down during arguments. This one got under my skin and I didn’t feel like faking it with her parents and i wanted to spend time with her (which she wasn’t having) so i left. Just need some advice.

TLDR: GF wasn’t talking or continuing the conversation after being aggressive so I told her I didn’t want to go to the event if we weren’t going to talk.

  1. Doesn’t sound like shutting down to me. Sounds like throwing a tantrum and emotionally manipulating you.

    Holidays are difficult and sometimes compromises need to be made. But it’s definitely not worth screaming over. Assuming you guys don’t have kids together, there should be absolutely no problem with you two spending time at different events and meeting up later.

    If she doesn’t want to talk, that’s fine. Give her space and wait for her signal that she is ready to talk. But she shouldn’t be screaming at you over it.

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