Men who will be alone on X-Mas, how do you cope and stop yourself from breaking down?

  1. As Santa, my job is already hard. Flying those 540K Km in one night is lonely, but rewarding work. I just focus on the joy I will bring and the herbal scent of reindeer farts.

  2. I’ll be alone for Christmas again this year just due to family working away from home and others going to their partners homes. For me, I’ll cook me something nice and just enjoy the day doing whatever I want. Won’t / can’t let it get to me or bother me.

  3. Just treat it like it’s any other day.

    I used to volunteer to work that day so the other docs could be home with their kids.

  4. I would break down if I had to spend Christmas with family. I savor the opportunity to sit alone in silenced and finally read a book or something.

  5. Treat it like any other day. Don’t do Christmas stuff alone. Go to a movie. Play some games. Go for a hike. Order/cook some yummy food.

  6. You get used to it after a while, just have a few beers and forget about it. Probably don’t even bother with Xmas decorations and you breeze through it, or atleast I’ve managed to do last 6 years 👍

  7. It’s any other day. I’ve worked just about every holiday on my adult life. If for some reason I do break down, it’s not so much for being alone as much as it is frustration over basically having our grandparents controlling the state of the country and representing the masses.

  8. I was alone this whole past week. Thought about ending my life several times. I have no coping mechanisms

  9. Go volunteer at a food bank/homeless shelter. Doing good for others also helps us feel better too. Once home, surround yourself with things you enjoy – favorite meal, favorite movie, etc. Just don’t get drunk to ease the pain… that’s a slippery slope.

  10. It’s nothing different in comparison to last 17 x-mas’es.

    In the end it’s just day among others.

  11. Go on your own adventure. It’s a nice long weekend at the very least or you can take off New Years as well and go on a well deserved trip with yourself. I try to go with friends too sometimes but that’s what I’ve done most years and it feels very fulfilling.

  12. I don’t lol. My 18 years old cat died today as well so I’ll truly be alone for Christmas this year.

    We’ll see how it goes.

  13. I spent it alone 2 years ago like a lot of people during the first Christmas of the pandemic. I spent the day driving through the empty roads in my city, which are usually jam-packed. In 90 minutes I drove past almost every major landmark, along every place I had ever lived and worked.

    It was so relaxing and peaceful in a weird way, it would have been taken me 4 hours or so to make the same drive on a normal traffic day.

  14. No holidays for xmas, going to be working on that day , got my homies stuck with me in the same situation, we gunna cry together

  15. Christmas is just a day like any other, except nothing is open. do the same thing you would do any other day.

  16. Being alone isn’t an issue for me it’s being lonely. My case being lack of meaningful sex as a single man. Idk maybe hit up a few bars or whatever’s open or watch a movie

  17. Know that you saved a ton of money and don’t have to deal with anyone else’s drama. Make an excellent meal and enjoy!

  18. I agree with the try treat it like any other day. It is hard when people tell you plans or ask you what you did or are going to do. I have had some breakdowns. I think when you are alone Christmas magnifies it.

  19. By enjoying being alone . Get up late , take a long relaxing shower , dress nice , decorate my house , put on cristmass mood music on the background , prep for cooking , cook a nice meal , enjoy a nice meal , take another relaxing g shower , dress nice again , put on dim light for evening mood along whit background music sit in lazy chair whit a good sigar and some fine scotch .

  20. All I know is it’s harder and harder to just shrug it off, past your mid 30s. When you’re younger, things are always cushioned with “there’s time enough for things to change,” so it’s easy to fall into the trap of all but completely romanticizing for your “loner” status. “*I’m a Loner Dottie. A REBEL*” is pretty much worn through by the time you’re 38 at the latest, and only gets worse from that point on.

    I mean really it’s down to three things after a certain point: successfully find things to occupy your mind, get lucky (like, *very* lucky) and actually find someone to be with, or kill yourself.

  21. It’s just another day, take advantage of some seasonal goodies, stock up on some food, get a good line up of Christmas movies on deck (die hard 1 and 2, lethal weapon, Christmas vacation) sleep in, be lazy and just chill.

  22. For those of you who are going to be alone on Christmas, may I recommend spending your time at a soup kitchen?

  23. 1. Wake up at 9 am
    2. Go to church at 10 am
    3. Go to Gym at 12 pm
    4. Play video games at 3 pm
    5. Go to the club at 10 pm
    6. Leave club at 1 am

    Christmas Day spent

  24. I’m not interested in Christmas, so I don’t mind being alone. The whole Christmas stress that many people have also completely passes me by. December is exactly the same as January. Cold, gray and empty. I’m waiting for spring.

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