Hello everyone!

So a quick background. I’m 26. I work as practical nurse since 2015. I was young, wasn’t sure if this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life so didn’t seek further education back then. Than later I realized this job is basically the only thing that really fulfills me haha. Anyway I study now, getting a degree in nursing to become a RN and then I can get masters and PhD so that hopefully one day I can even lead teams hah. I’m already doing great at work, got promoted a lot, I even step in for the boss when needed.

I work at a surgical clinic. There’s still a lot for me to learn there, I absolutely love it there. But then again the relationships between people at the clinic are terrible. I rent a one bedroom apartment for super cheap from the hospital. So I live alone for many years now. And it’s in small town.

Now I have an offer to start working at National Cardiology Institute. Which would mean moving to our capital city and living there. I will get a two bed shared room over there and can be put on a waiting list for single room in their “dorm” I guess. Or I can pay for a room in shared apartment in the city center. Would cost me like 150 bucks more than I pay now, and the apartment is shared often with other university students/workers. I could afford solo rent but not until I finish university in 2,5 years. But yeah, it’s the capital and everything you need is withing a couple minutes of tram ride.

Workwise it would be a new challenge. New interesting things to learn and experience to gain. I feel like every new experience is super useful before I finish the university and try to get a specialization in one field. I absolutely love cardiology too. Pay will be better than I get now, plus there’s a one time motivational bonus after 3 months of working there.

But I’d be giving up an apartment where I live now. Help me decide which is the best way to go. Honestly the only thing I will be losing is the apartment. As for the hospital, if I call them a year from now saying I’m done in the capital they will take me back asap. And these apartments are always empty so there’s no problem getting another one. I’m just not sure if it’s smart leaving everything here and moving to the capital to start working and this prestigious place where I can learn so much. I’d be going from being alone in one bed room apartment to either dorm room or room in shared apartment at least until I finish the university and can afford something alone.

It’s a big step and I could use any help with deciding. Thank you very much for any kind of advice. If anyone needs more info feel free to ask!

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  2. If the new job transforms into compounded gains in both money and success. Do it.

    You are young; grind now, at this age, and it will pay dividends later in life.

    You already know your default future. Stay in the comfort of your current situation, where does this lead….. ?

    Your new adventure calls forth risk, challenges, and potentially a brighter future than your default.

    You may regret not answering that opportunity.

  3. Go for it if you it will allow you to learn more and give you more exposure towards your career options. Times are uncertain now and the diverse your skill set, the more options you will have when things turn sideways.

  4. Dont ever think just because something is available now and has been that it will be when you need it most. Rent and mortgage rates are soaring every single month. Lower priced places will be scooped up quick. Its all up to you.

  5. Do it! Follow your passion and don’t let “something different” hold you back from becoming the best version of yourself. Please give an update when you make a decision! Good luck!🤞

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