It’s been going for about a three months now. He’s 16 yo and every time he comes from his highschool untill he goes to bed complains about his face, height, skin color, hair and basically everything about his appareance.

In my opinion he is not as bad-looking as he sees himself he is not a magazine model but slightly above-avarage, for my country at least. He’s gon as far as blaming dad in a daily basis for being short and “ugly”. He went to see a therapyist (as a recomendation of his highschool psychiatrist) but i think he wasn’t being honest cuz i didn’t help him. He also goes to the gym but he always says that even with all his effort he will still have a “genetic fuck for face”.

I don’t what to say or do to convince him that he’s not ugly because he is not. He really trusts me so I think the correct words could help him.

1 comment
  1. Self-esteem issues aren’t corrected by saying one right thing, but by consistently being there to build the person up. Sounds like you may have been doing that, so good job, keep it up; even if you aren’t seeing him make any progress, it is a cumulative effect that will keep him afloat through these awkward years. Other than that, your brother needs intrinsic sources of self-esteem, rather than extrinsic ones, and that’s harder to develop.

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