My bf is not the biggest.
This one time, we switched from missionary to doggy style and he started pounding, I didn’t really feel anything so I said “wait, it’s not in.”
As soon as the sentence left my mouth, I realised he was actually in me already. So half a second later i said ‘oh it is in’ and acted like nothing happened. The first minute after that was kinda awkward for me tbh.

Do you think I hurt his self-esteem? I am sad about it.
To be fair, i was reallly wet, could this be a reason that I didn’t really feel any friction?

  1. Don’t be too hard on yourself, I’ve got a micropenis and my wife is very careful about what she says but will still make awkward comments sometimes. Heat of the moment and all that.

    For us, doggy is pretty much off the table. So it may be a tough position for you guys too, or it was just this time. Try toys or other positions. When he is less sensitive you could consider a penis extender but it took me a while to be open to that so go slow!

  2. How do i put this… Yes. Yes you did. No, you cannot take it back. I doubt saying sorry will do much. Learn from this and try to do better. If hes actually secure, he may have wewthered this ok, but from the aound of thing smy bet is your both young and he likely isnt.

    Unfortunately, he cant do much to make his dick bigger, but you may be able to strengthen your pelvic floor and be able to grab him some so both feel more.

  3. You may have dented his self esteem but it’s not like you guys can pretend he’s not small. Also alot of women get numb inside after orgasm so could be a combo of too wet and his size. try sticking to you on top and variations of missionary. Have you tried a couples vibrator? Or butt plug? Makes everything tighter so you will feel him more inside you.

  4. It’s completely understandable and normal. How big is your boyfriend because I have a very small dick and multiple girls have told me they can’t feel it when I’ve been inside them and I have found that it’s best to use different types of toys as they feel a lot better for the girl.

  5. It was probably too wet and had little to no friction. It happens to a lot of people. But he’s not gonna see it that way now.

  6. Not an ideal thing to say during sexy times I’ll give you that, what was his reaction at the time? Did he try harder?

    What size is he? I’m sure there’s stuff you can do

  7. Too much wetness is a thing and can easily cause both of you to not feel as much. I am…Quite well endowed but if my SO gets too wet, neither of us feel as much, which can cause issues of me getting a littler softer and / or slipping out. We either have sex with a little less foreplay or she sops up some wetness with a towel.

    I don’t think you totally ruined his confidence but maybe dented it a little.

  8. Well, as a stand-up-comedian who’s name I can’t remember now once said: three words that have killed more men than anything else in the world: “Is it in?”.

    Yeah, not gonna lie, lol… not good. If it’s a girth thing, try positions where you’re kinda squeezing him: anything where your legs are together basically.

  9. My ex-girlfriend once said to me (as we did doggy for the first time), “it normally feels deeper than that”. Now, I’m not sure if she meant it normally feels deeper when we do other positions, or doggy normally feels deeper when I do it with other guys. I never asked, but I’m still curious what she meant. Hopefully it wasn’t the latter.

  10. I’ve actually been on the other end of this. I told a girl I wasn’t in and in fact I was… I realized my mistake immediately

  11. Being super wet and super horny, it happens. I usually switch to anal(without saying I can’t feel them in me )bc I won’t feel it in my V after a good while and that’s with any size when it happens. Do what’s comfortable for you and your partner. Sex is suppose to be fun and no stress

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