I’ll give mine first. I thought someone was following me – im a 25 year old guy this was like 3 years ago. Started one day I left my apartment and thought this white car left right after me and was following me for a while. It continued (so I thought). I went to the normal coffee shop I went to everyday, then a while after I sit down, a white car pulls up, a dude gets out who I’d seen before at the coffee shop, probably 35, and he gets coffee and comes and sits down right next to me. This is all in my head. Then every time I leave my apartment I’m looking for this white car. The weirdest one and last time anything happened, a went to a wedding, and I was driving back home after the party at like 2:30 in the morning. I get home and pull into the back parking lot I always park in, sometimes it full, sometimes noone, this time there’s only one other car and its this white car (honestly there couldve been many white cars that I mixed up idk) but theres this white car and the lights are on and so I assume someones inside. And im so sketched out and I just quickly get out of my car and go inside. Then Im only at the apartment for another month, but after this the same car is still in the same position for the remainder of the month, abandoned, it had flat tires, and just never moved from the spot. So idk I think looking back, nothing ever really happened, but I had concocted a whole thing in my head that a guy in a white car was stalking me and im pretty sure I was just linking events together. I was freaked out to the point that I told my roomate about it lol

  1. Irrational fears that turned out to be nothing? Having kids and becoming a father. I’ll raise my hand say I know that’s not for every one and I’m not pushing this on anyone, because it’s hard work and takes a lot of your time and money, but for me it was 300% worth it. Of course it essential to have a good woman as their mother.

  2. Needles, my parents have to drug me to be able to give me a vaccine, but until now everything went fine with all the vaccines I got

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