I’ve been talking to this guy for awhile and in the middle of our conversations, they casually keep dropping the idea of them being a good person and a gentleman. I feel as if this is something i shouldn’t overlook, are they usually who they claim to be or is it the. opposite?

  1. Depends on the person. Also, are they explicitly trying to humble brag that they’re a good person? Or are they just saying things that you interpret as good traits/someone wanting to seem good?

  2. I feel like more details would help, but if something seems off you should probably trust your gut. In my experience, people who virtue signal usually end up being the worst.

  3. A person’s actions towards you will tell you more truthfully who they are than their words.

  4. Take what someone says with a grain of salt— their actions will show the truth overtime. Don’t assume he’s not a good person, just don’t put blind faith into someone.

  5. In my experience, when they consistently mention it, 100% of the time they’ve been controlling/possessive/abusive.

  6. Actions speak louder than words.

    Chances are, if they have to keep mentioning it, they are not only trying to convince you, but maybe themselves as well.

    How does he talk? How does he treat you, and others? Does he make you, and treating you well, a priority?

    These are some things I’d look for to answer that question for myself.

  7. I never claim to be a good person, nor a gentleman. Actions speak louder than words.
    If he is truly a gentleman, you’ll see it in his behavior, but from my personal experience, people who claim to be a good person, etc. , are usually not at all “good”.

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