I’ve been talking to this woman 43(f) for about 3 weeks. Had a couple of really nice dates and we connect super well thru convo. She brings up her ex…..ALOT. Like a lot a lot. I’d call it a yellow flag but didn’t think much about it. Come to find out they’ve only been broken up about a month (I had assumed it was much longer due to the number of dates she’s been on). Then, she dropped the info that they had still been sleeping together as well. But she does t want him back and would never go back and blah blah. Not only that, but he still comes to her kids ballgames, showed up to dinner the other night uninvited, and they speak every day. I told her I wasn’t exactly comfortable with this and that I didn’t think it was healthy for anyone involved. She got very angry and said I had no right to tell her what she had decided was best for her at this time was right or wrong.
Like seriously, wtf? Is anyone REALLY single these days? Is anyone not fucking an ex or having multiple FWB???

  1. Bro bail on that psycho hahaha seriously, every minute is gonna be a minute wasted.

  2. Not sure what you’re asking if you’re wrong about. If you’re just talking, with nothing established then you both can do what you want. You can raise your concerns and she can shrug them off. Her reaction is very telling though and this is where I’d quietly back out without fuss and without drama. I’d leave her and her ex to keep banging and whatever, with only a few weeks hanging out, I wouldn’t be too fussed

  3. If I was you I would leave as fast as possible and cut all ties. That seems like an extremely problematic situation that neither of them are handling very well

  4. No need to tell her she’s psycho. Definitely excuse yourself from her life and block all contact

  5. Well, you guys are not exclusively so yeah, it’s not your business. However, I’d be extremely wary of committing myself to someone who’s so fresh out of a marriage and seems too be deeply involved with their ex.

    She has a lot of stuff to process, mate.

    Edit: spelling

  6. Bro, she’s 43y. By that fact alone, something major is a problem with a woman if she’s single at that age. And if i ger any downvotes or bad comments because i say this then you’re who I’m talking about.

    Then, she goes on talking about an ex many times…Talking avlut an ex omce even is one too many, unless an ex is a mother/father to one’s kids. Red flag nr. 2.

    Then…Only being broken up for 1 month and already trying to jump into another relationship right away…Red flag 3…

    Just bounce, but find younger women. Less problematic, less baggage.

  7. She is still married to him, or still living with him prolly.

    You are the side piece.

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