The more I talk to other men, the more I realize how much I just don’t relate to most men. This actually depresses me a lot and makes me feel inhuman. Wanted to know if others related.

I won’t be participating in comments.

  1. What are you not able to relate to men on or with? I know you said you won’t be participating, but maybe give some examples and edit the post to help us understand what you mean when you say you don’t relate to most men.

  2. I personally find I relate better to women than men. Find where you fit and who makes you comfortable and just deal with the rest. I’d ask how or what doesn’t connect.

  3. >I won’t be participating in comments.

    No effort from you, no effort from me. I will also not be participating.

  4. Walking up to a girl and asking her out with no previous association. Like they do at bars on TV shows.

    I cannot fathom asking a girl out just cause she’s hot. Sure, you can find out a little while on that date, but not much.

    I need to what I can go on. I have a tendency to make jokes and wise-cracks as I go about my day, and if I’m serious enough to date her, I need to know my audience.

    Will I offend her with some offhand comment or joke that I normally consider tame?

    Will I bore her by talking about something she’s not interested in?

    I need context or I’m going to screw it up.

  5. I’ve never experienced “post nut clarity”

    I never went through the “rebellious teenage years” like many teens go through (both guys and gals)

    I’d rather be with someone I love and just cuddle, then someone I don’t love and have sex with anyway.

    I don’t think violence automatically makes you more strong, more alpha, more manly. I don’t see the attraction to it that other men have.

    Same for being loud and threatening and having a short fuse.

    I’d rather have sex with a 40 year old woman than an 18 or 19 year old woman. I’m 26. Felt the same at 18. 🤷‍♂️

    Alcohol and drugs being enticing and fun.

    Cars and trucks. As long as it doesn’t look gross and it drives nice and functions well that’s all I care about. Car shows I hate. I just go “wow that’s a nice looking car!” And move on to the next one. Meanwhile most guys might take 5 to 30 mins at one car. I take like 30 seconds. I just don’t get the appeal.

    I don’t get the obsession some have with guns. I’m not against guns, I have used them and know how to and can shoot both eyes open and left or right handed and am very accurate, but I just don’t get how some guys go absolutely crazy over them.

    I don’t get the attraction to hunting. I’m not against that either but I can’t relate to the excitement to go in the woods for hrs or days to go kill something. Whether it’s for sport or food. I’d rather just go in the woods and take pics and read books.

    I can’t relate or understand why guys want to try anal with their girl so much. It’s kinda odd to me. Like, there’s a beautiful pussy right there why do you want it in her butt? 🤷‍♂️. If she’s into it cool but when she’s not and you try and try and complain and bitch about it like, wtf is your problem?

    I can’t relate to guys who treat women like they’re better and superior to them and like the woman is just their property. I see beautiful/hot women with the absolute worst guys and it just boggles my mind. And as a guy, I don’t know how guys like this can treat anyone, esp his wife/gf/fwb the way they do.

    I can’t relate to guys and their obsession with gaming. Esp when they prioritize it over other things and most ESPECIALLY relationships.

    I can’t relate to guys and having music blasting all the time.

    I’m sure there’s other stuff if I put more thought into it…

  6. Sports, attraction to women. Lots of stuff really, I’m trans so my life experiences were pretty different then most men.

  7. Broadly speaking instead of making a bullet point list, I just tend not to care about anything to do with manliness or masculinity or anything about that. I often feel at least a little alien when I see guys making decisions based on gender expectations, or discussing what makes someone a real man or whatever. Maybe it’s because it’s tied to relationship and family dynamics and I opted out of that early, I don’t know. I just know it’s obviously important to other people but not once in my life do I ever remember being concerned if doing something was manly or not.

  8. I don’t understand why some guys are so nervous around women in general. Especially if she is attractive. Is he just trying to get laid and nothing else? Sweating bullets and stuttering his words just to get in her pants?

    Also why some guys feel more manly by not taking care of their bodies. Sometimes men just, refuse to wear lotion, chapstick, sunscreen, etc… why? Is it pride? Are they trying to throw hands at life itself?

  9. I just can’t do pro sports. I don’t get it. It’s a bunch of millionaires playing catch with zero stakes. Now watching my university play… now that’s something different

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