I tend to forget a lot of the cool things I do and instead just become a listener. Do people tell their stories off the rip or do they drill it in their minds until they remember?

1 comment
  1. Most of the time, off rip. I would recommend telling stories off rip and just with the flow of conversation. All the times something wild happened and I was like “oh I’ve gotta tell this story” it ended up feeling more like a monologue and kinda boring. If you’re going to think about anything beforehand, just think about the lead in for your story. What’s the “catch” that people would be interested in or what common conversation topics does your story relate to. Then just form the story based on what questions people ask and what things you found funny or interesting. You can have a short one-sentence version of the story to start with and see if anyone engages with it.

    Example: I was at dinner recently in the middle of the country USA and someone told a really cool story about their childhood as their dad was an art collector so they’ve been to 50+ countries, and the story literally just started with someone asking about their watch and they said their dad found it in Myanmar, then the questions naturally brought out more of the story. So just let it come naturally, don’t rehearse.

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