I had a major falling out with my best friend in the beginning of the year and after a lot of time assessing everything leading up to our fight, I would like to apologize to her.

I’m not expecting anything from the apology – I just want to let her know how much I value her and her friendship and what I’ve learned through this time.

Should I ask her if she wanted to talk or should I just apologize with an open conclusion giving her the opportunity to choose whether to respond or not? I would prefer apologizing in person but it’s not really possible anymore and I fear that if I ask her about it, she might not want to talk in any form at all.

  1. Apologize, then ask her if she wants to talk. Be honest and show her that you care, get it all out.

  2. An apology doesn’t need a response.

    Just apologize and if she doesn’t respond don’t worry. An apology, if sincere, is for both of you. You will feel better.

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