If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

  1. Reshaping lifeforms at will, even in ways that wouldn’t be logically possible or they would kill the creature. I can’t kill creatures with this ability

  2. The ability to not get tired midday. I’m active, I eat well, I only drink 1 coffee a day and a green tea if I need a boost, but man by 4pm I’m ready for a nap. How are people functioning 7am to 11pm every day? I’m 43 and I can’t stay awake and get shit done like I used to.

  3. bluetooth pee. ability to teleport your pee to a toilet you have used before without ever having to move.

  4. Being able to easily talk to people. It gives me so much anxiety if I’m not already comfortable with someone

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