My friend (m) and I (f) almost hooked up at a get together but was rudely interrupted and never ended up doing anything. (We were very drunk but being very touchy with one another)

We’ve acted like nothing happened since then however he’s awfully nice about doing things for me/helping me out since then. How do I hint to him that we should go for it all the way this time? Is he being nice just to avoid what happened?

  1. Why not be direct and say, “Do we have to get drunk again, or could we try it when we are more sober?” If he feels the same, it would be like the ignition of TNT!

  2. Maybe he has the same thoughts, haven’t you thought about it? 🙂 Direct conversation is the right decision. You can start cautiously. “Do you think if we hadn’t been interrupted, how would it have ended, one night or something more?”
    But I prefer not to be careful, but to do like the character of Diane Kruger in the TV series The Bridge.

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