how old you were when you got into your first fight and how did it happened?

  1. I was in third grade. Can’t really recall what set it off, just remember getting slapped and scratched by a guy twice my height

  2. 10 years old. This kid was picking on my best friend. I didn’t know how to fight so I fought how I saw in pro wrestling. I didn’t punch once and the other kid actually made my nose bleed but I wrestled him to the ground and somehow got the sleeper hold(rear naked coke) on him and didn’t let go until adults separated us.

  3. Probably me fighting by elder brother about toys. I’d guess I was probably 2 and he was 4 at the time.

    I was probably to blame, I’ve been told by mum I kept stealing all the Duplo trains away all the time and refused to share them with him.

  4. I was about 8 or 9. Happened in the center of our apartment complex. Big cemented volleyball court with two Poles and no net. All the kids in the hood would hang out here for whatever reason. Sometimes this kid would ride bikes with my brother and I but never played football with us.

    I can’t remember our exchange that started this little tussle. I think he had said something about my weight but at this age, i was a much better bully than everyone else i knew. I got under his skin in no time.

    White. Same height and age as me. wore glasses. I didn’t think he was going to fight me because I was ignorant to the fact that some dudes get quiet when really pissed. So quietly he put up his fists and started circling me. Everyone was watching, prbly 5 kids including my little brother and his little sister. I got in close and I just remember putting him in a clinch, putting my leg behind his and instead of tripping him, I straight up slammed this fool alot harder than I realized onto the cement. So hard his glasses fell off. I felt really bad and backed off. He tried coming at me again after being embarrassed by onlookers. Kids going Ooooohhhhhh!!!!! But he got held back by his sister. I went home.

    I waited for him and his parents to come knocking on our door. Never did. I’d say I never really saw him again. Only thing I ever saw was a month later seeing swat around his front and back of his family’s apartment. Now that I think about it, they had cameras set up by the front door. Which happened in late 90s so it’s not like everyone had ring cameras. Never knew what happened to that family.

    What’s funny is a couple weeks later I still knocked and rang his door thinking he would ride bikes with me again once the whole incident was behind us.

  5. I had a couple close ones in middle school when was 11 or 12.

    In one case, I had been studying for my Bar Mitzvah with a private tutor for several months. There was another kid “B” who was a major douchebag, who decided he would start teasing me that she would touch me inappropriately at these tutoring sessions. I kept a level head about it for a few weeks as it was patently absurd and I had enough experience with “B” to know to expect this kind of thing.

    The last straw came when one day at recess a group of 7-8 kids came up too me and asked straight up, is “B” lying or is your Bar Mitzvah tutor actually touching your dick.
    I immediately stormed off to the playground with the group behind me and spotted “B.” To be honest it wasn’t much of a fight; I walked up to him, put my arm in a bar across his neck, and stepped behind his leg, laid him down, and put my hand on his throat. He didn’t spread any more rumors after that.

    In the same year there was another bully “T” who was a year below me but going through early puberty and so was huge compared to other kids at this campus. I can’t remember why but he decided to pick on me one day. I remember he confronted me in the hallway and started walking towards me with a small posse of kids. I backed away and he started trying to push me over by hitting me in the chest. I had been taking martial arts for a few years at the time and while I was no Bruce Lee I knew how to defend myself. So I was able to bat his hands away fairly easily as I walked backwards away and he advanced. Eventually a switch flipped in his brain and he said “oh shit do you take a ninja class or some shit” and turned to walk away. I didn’t really get a good hit in but I kicked at him and taunted him for a while as he turned and walked away.

    So never got into any real serious fights but I’m happy to say I was in the right, came out on top, and no one got hurt.

  6. Never been in a fight. Maybe because I’m really tall? Or maybe because I don’t look for problems and am very personable? Dunno. Just never really had a need to fight.

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