Howdy everyone! Love this subreddit a ton! Over the last few months I have grown a newfound, or rekindled, appreciation for great friendships, interactions, etc., and have been trying to be more intentional about my social skills to develop my relationships.

This being said, I was wondering if anyone here has some old school social skills or things that you do that are lost in todays age? Not sure exactly how I would describe this, but here are a few examples:

-Writing & mailing thank you cards to friends, bringing a bottle of wine when someone invites you over, randomly calling old friends to say hello and nothing more, etc…. These types of things!

I would love to hear some things you do, or have seen done like this that stand out!

1 comment
  1. Being kind and respectful to everyone you encounter.

    It is amazing what it accomplishes, but kind of a lost art.

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