Men who were cheated upon, how are you doing now ?

  1. Mentally I’m good but I haven’t dated since it’s been like almost 3 years but I’m not like sad or anything just been chilling pretty much

  2. Highly suspected it but could never prove it. Trust and relationship was never the same, pretty much turned into a roommate situation.

  3. Paranoid that any relationship I get into will either end like that or with me being a willing cuckold, partly because the idea kinda turns me on and partly because I’d be afraid of being alone?

  4. It’s hard to tell I’ve been cheated on alot almost every gf actually. I went through bad times for a long time after. I feel better now. But I doubt I’ll trust a woman again. Maybe one day it might happen but I’m not holding my breath though. I’m better off by myself and I enjoy my life more without all that drama. And I’m also 53 dating at my age group is depressing in it’s self almost everyone carries major baggage in my age group.

  5. Im great. It never really bean my fault, exteriors factors were more decisive. Youth and long distance for instance.

    Tbh the two girls who did were quite selfish and remains so from what i can gather though im not actively looking for news. The last one regrets it but its been a while now.

  6. We’re good. We don’t complain, we don’t generalize all women, we’re working quietly on our selves. I think some of us don’t feel emotions or attached anymore, because we just have a scenario in our mind, that we will be okay even if the next woman cheats on us.

    But we also learnt lessons to watch out for red flags and not tolerate bad behavior nor place women on pedestals.

  7. I was the other guy and i felt like i was cheated on when i was 22, started dating what seemed to be the perfect lady and she conveniently forgot to tell me that she already had a boyfriend. Didn’t find out for 3 months, until a friend of her just told me “do you know she has a boyfriend?” and showed pics of them on his social media (my “gf” didn’t have them).

    Horrible situation, called her to imsult her, blocked her everywhere and never seen her again. The only thing i regret was not telling the boyfriend myself, but the friend did so at least he was informed.

    It didn’t impact me that much, to be honest, because the real victim was the boyrfriend there. I had way more problems with people close to me being cheated on, so now i have a clear disgust for cheaters, i really can’t see them as people anymore when i get to know that they cheated.

  8. My first wife cheated with her ex boyfriend before leaving me.

    My sister had died unexpectedly and left me an inheritance – my wife saw the $$ signs and took half pretty quickly.

    I found out not long after she left that they had been together for a bit.

    About a year later he committed suicide.

    I’m quite fine actually.

  9. I’m great. That cheating got me away from a toxic abusive person and eventually allowed me to find someone who is so wonderful to me.

  10. I think if I wasn’t cheated on a decade ago I would be a completely different person, I had two relationships in my 20’s where it happened.

    And how am I doing ? not great.

    Being cheated on has made it hard to trust women in relationships, I dont want to be cheated on again so I havent really dated anyone seriously in maybe a decade.

    Even a girl thats amazing, I get about 3 dates in and something in my brain starts filling me with panic and anxiety and I start comparing her to other women and how she could possibly be “just like the others”, then I usually break it off and go cry somewhere.

    im actually worried because its becoming a real problem, I may have already met my soulmate and discarded her 🙁

  11. Welp in the 5 years since, Ive had one relationship with a good woman but couldn’t stop feeling like I wasn’t good enough and wrecked it. Now I’m single and too afraid to mingle to put it mildly. I’m very confident professionally, very confident socially, and pathetically unconfident relationally. Especially romantically as it would seem.

  12. Pretty good. Now I know more of what I want out of relationship and what to look out for.

    I’ve been single ever since, but that’s mostly from moving around and getting my life in order.

  13. I’m fine it’s been almost 2 years, by the end of 2023 hope to be great but at this moment i am fine.

    Learned alot about myself i didn’t know or just simply didn’t want to recognize both good and bad, i started to REALLY enjoy being alone, just me my toughts and nature, become a bit more reclusive and started to enjoy my own companie alot.

    I started to really apreciate the litle things in life, even just a 5 mins walk in the sun or a beer with a friend, just dancing like stupid while walking, basically started to enjoy the “moment” more.

    I am also changed/”marked”, in the meaning that i don’t see myself of 4/5 years ago in the mirror, i was always the kind of guy that didn’t take much shit but now i became harder especially with myself, i want the best of myself, for myself and with myself.

    Won’t say it didn’t change me, because it did, the only person i have open up as much as i possible could/allowed myself to, betrayed me in a way i didn’t think i could be betrayed (this coming from a man that was literally stabed by a “friend”), it is like a member was amputated, just have to deal with it and keep going, but the phantom pains sometimes flair up but it is just part of the bagage i carry now, in the beggining it was hard, now not so much it keeps getting better, you start to just live with it, “give it time and heal it with time” was an advice i receive and that i agree with.

    Funny thing is i stoped looking for happiness, and started to make myself happy, i started to treat myself better every day, stoped looking for relashionships but have found new wonderfull people that i can connect with, have had some fun, some good times but i’m still protecting myself, won’t expose myself or let my guard down so easily.

    So at this moment i am fine, working to be great.

  14. Just got in a new relationship about 3 months ago. A year ago I was cheated on and it hurt very bad and definitely caught me by surprise. I don’t ever put past peoples actions on new people but it is hard not to be weary. She’s very loyal and good people though so I trust her.

  15. Wife played with her ex bf, off and on before covid. At the time we were both not in great places.
    Two special needs kids, and covid have forced us to really talk and work on issues. I had a couple of years to play around

    We are back together with a better understanding of what is needed to work for us an our kids.
    Its not easy and the trust is a huge issue (on both sides) but it’s how it is.

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