To give you context we have been talking for 3 months, we both decided not to date till end of semester. My folks went through a divorce and she was slammed with college. Approaching the end of the semester I am gonna plan our first date. We are both engineering students who work together at a restaurant. Both of us love marvel and Star Wars, she’s more game board kinda person and I’m athletic kinda guy, both like rock climbing, hiking, food uhm those are some interests we share.
I’ve heard going out to eat isn’t a great idea because it can be awkward and stuff but, we have been talking for 3 months this will be our first official date, so I was wondering if it’s ok to do dinner. And if dinner isn’t a great idea why at is a good idea? I’m really struggling if ya can’t tell.
Also we’re both 18

  1. Activity dates like Bowling, Mini Golf etc. Leave the dinner ideas for date 3 or so. You’re young so always lead with activity dates. If you go with mini golf follow through with breaking the touch barrier. I’ll leave the rest up to you man.

  2. I always liked dinner dates as first dates. Choose a restaurant or bar that is not too loud and won’t mind if you stay for the evening.

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Hi there! Male 28 years old from greece ! I would love to chat if anyone’s interested