What song(s) come on the radio/streaming servive that you absolutely loathe hearing, and immediately try to find something else?

  1. Whatever song by Stevie Ray Vaughan the shitty classic rock station plays over and over.

  2. That Kid Rock abomination where he mashes together “Werewolves of London” and “Sweet Home Alabama”.

  3. Anything by The Offspring. Any of the new shitty mumble rap. Any of the new shitty country pop.

  4. Anything by Chevelle, or anything by musicians like Cardinal B, Megan The Stallion, etc.

  5. It’s an amazing song but I’m so fucking tired of Bohemian Rhapsody. It’s had several surges in popularity throughout my life. I’m sure I’ve heard it more times than Happy Birthday, The Star Spangled Banner and The Alphabet Song combined. I wish I could shut off my ears when it comes on. That being said I did get a kick out of the [The Muppets version. ](https://youtu.be/tgbNymZ7vqY)

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