I’ll just randomly show her something or try and strike up a conversation. If she even replies, she’s obviously annoyed and makes it clear that she’s not interested in engaging in any further conversation – no matter the topic. Rude to me no matter what. Going on 8 years but this is new. If I reply with any kind of attitude back, it just starts a fight. So either bite my tongue or avoid chatting with her completely..? running out of tongue to bite though tbh

E: sorry to be so vague, at my wits end and don’t even know where to start to explain the situation fully.

  1. Why are you staying with her? Is this what you want 10, 20, 30, 40 years from now? You should be able to share things and have fun with your partner and not walk on eggshells.

  2. How is she with her phone? Pretty privacy heavy, hides the screen from you, spends a lot of time on it?

  3. How long has this been going on? When did it start?

    Contrary to the “Wimminz be cray-cray” school of thought, this behavior doesn’t appear in a vacuum, *something* caused it.

    Without more info, it’s hard to find out, you need to put on your detective cap on and find out what was it.

    Could be medical, work/stress related, neighbor stealing amazon packages, childhood dog put out, BFF has the big C, new boss can’t keep his paws to himself, you forgot her mom’s birthday, the options are *endless*.

    Figure it out.

    **EDIT:** Whether it’s a legit reason or not, this behavior is unacceptable in a relationship and you two will have to have a serious talk about it.

  4. I tend to get this way when I’m stressed out… thankfully my husband called me out on it so I was able to see the behavior and do my best to stop it. I didn’t mean to take it out on him, I was just feeling overwhelmed and he was interrupting me. I make sure that I put down what I’m doing and pay attention to what he’s saying now because I know he’s only looking for connection with me. Please have a chat with your wife. We sometimes don’t realize how much we take out on our poor spouses.

  5. This sounds like walk away wife syndrome to me. If it is, you’re gonna want marriage counseling and fast. Best of luck to you!

  6. Yeah um something occurred. How long has it went on for? I can assure you there is a reason for it.

  7. I’d really buckle down to try and find the root cause. Ideally, it would be as easy as directly asking her what is wrong and if she’d please share what is upsetting her as you’d like to fix it or help. But there has to be a reason if it randomly came out of nowhere

  8. Theres a reason why her vibe towards you has changed. It could be you and shes not telling you, or it could be something else. You have to get her to figure it out and communicate it to you.

    I’ve done this when my S.O. has done something to make me upset and I am not ready to talk about it, or when I am stressed/overwhelmed.

  9. It could be built up resentment from not communicating properly. Sometimes someone might do something you don’t like and you let it slide…which causes resentment. Maybe sit her down and tell her that you have noticed a change in her behavior and you want to fix it and get to a better place.

  10. She sounds like she’s upset about something. You should communicate with her. Also depends if you’re trying to get her attention when she is busy working, but I’m assuming since you’ve been together for 8 years you probably let her work in peace and the main issue is you probably upset her in the past.

    Or maybe you’re doing it too often and she’s tired of pretending she cares about the stuff you keep showing her.

  11. If it’s new you just ask straight up what’s going on and that you noticed a change in behavior. Communication is key. She’s probably holding a grudge about something

  12. Anything she would feel resentment for? Any unresolved issues between issues? Ie things being swept under the rug? Anything that she has been asking if you for a long time that hasn’t been addressed? I feel like there is a reason. We need more info.

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