so theres this girl at school that i like(because she has similar interests as me eg gaming, metal) and i would like to be friends/eventually be her boyfriend. the problem is that im really shy and im not sure she wants a guy friend/boyfriend. im worried that just walking up to her and saying hi will be too awkward.

  1. First of all, the way you worded this is very strange and I’m afraid it’s an indicator of your mindset. You don’t get her to do anything. She’s not a dog you’re training.
    And friendship is not a relationship-lite that’ll turn into a relationship. Do you know anything about her besides that she’s into gaming and metal? Maybe she has a horrid personality, how can you decide you two are a good match for a friendship/relationship if you’ve never talked to her?
    If you go in with such high expectations it’s going to be weird. Sorry if this sounds harsh but I just wanted to be clear on this!

  2. Believe it or not, as a girl in high school I can confirm that most girls want a guy friend. (Myself included).

    Walk up to her and say hi… It won’t be awkward. Talk to her regularly.. ask her about herself, find some things you have in common and make an effort to keep your conversations going. I know it’s hard, but you have to put in some effort or else it won’t work out. Take every opportunity you get to spend time with her, whether it’s school-related or not. Eventually invite her to hang out outside of school. Once you become acquaintances the next step is to form an emotional bond… share some personal things with her, that let’s her know that you trust her and that she can trust you too…

    My guy friend did all of this (other than the hanging out outside of school part) and as you can probably tell… it worked out great! Just take the initiative!

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