Hello guys, I haven’t really had a girlfriend for almost 7 years now, and for the most part it has been all fine by me. I haven’t been too bothered by it all and just focused on getting a (good) job and finishing my studies. As I’ve done this, I am starting to feel somewhat ‘lonely’ in a sense, and I do want to get into a relationship again.

The issue is that I don’t really have many friends (I also work at a small company, with the people there not really sharing my interests) and focused too much on my studies at college to really connect with people. As such, I can’t really connect to people through my friend groups.

I really want to try approaching women in public, but it’s not really a thing anymore from what I’ve heard due to the immense rise in online dating (although, I didn’t even see other guys approaching girls that much back in 2013-ish either). I do feel like if I just saw one other guy approaching a girl (even if he gets rejected), I would get the confidence to start doing so myself.
Although, can somebody inform me on all of this? I’ve heard from other people that girls nowadays will give out their phone numbers and just ignore the guys just to get them to go away (I would honestly not even mind this tbh), and I’ve heard from others that girls would publicly humiliate and make fun of you.
By the way, would it be fine to say something like “Hey, sorry if I’m bothering you, but I really like your \[whatever\]. \[wait for response\] If you think I’m not really your type or if you already have a boyfriend feel free to say so”?

Online dating itself is also out of the question for me. I am not really ugly perse, but I would consider myself to be below-average in terms of looks. I would probably rate myself as a 4/10 (I would consider 1/10s to be chemical burn victims, people with severe physical deformaties and other people where you would think “Is that even a human?” and I would consider 5/10s to be the average to give a sense of the scale that I’m using).
While I am going to the gym, I feel like it would only really get me up to 5/10 or maaaaybe 5.5/10 status, but nowhere near a 7/10 (which I consider to be somebody that would almost be a ‘Chad’).I could make my profile really interesting (I would reckon that if you were to put have a picture 2/10 doing extreme sports, wresting a tiger bare-fisted, discovering the cure for cancer or giving an important speech at the United Nations, it could potentially be considered interesting and would end up leading to matches?).

The only real stuff I do is play video games, work out whenever possible, ride my bike (in the summer/spring), and listen to podcasts. So, I can’t really take any ‘interesting’ pictures relating to those that would compensate for my looks.
I could become an esports professional gamer and take a picture at international tournaments, but I feel like the journey to become that good would be even more difficult than the journey to simply get a girl.
I could become massively ripped, start deadlifting 300 pounds and take a picture of that, but I don’t really want to become that ripped. Plus, I feel like I’d just end up looking like The Hulk.
I could take scenic pictures of myself biking, but how would you even take a picture like that in the first place?
I could start my own podcast, but I don’t really have any ‘new’ topics to bring to the table, and how would you even turn that into an interesting picture?

This only really leaves meetup events or stuff like dance classes, but I honestly feel like that that advice is pretty damn commonly given and would just end up being dominated by other guys with the same idea to meet girls that way.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and hopefully you’d be able to help me out.

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