If you could pick an era for being teen (for example the 70s,80s,90s or even the 40s -50s) what would it be ?

  1. Any time before social media. That has to make being a kid so much harder. So much more bullying and things of that nature.

  2. After the internet became readily available, but before social media overtook our lives.

    So the 90s/2000s.

    I’m glad I was a teen before f***ing Snapchat.

  3. I’m a teen right now but I figured it would have been cool to have been a teen in the mid/late 2000s. Idk they always seemed cool and unique to me, and it would have to nice to experience a pre smartphone world (technically I was born a few months before the iPhone came out, but I don’t remember a world where they didn’t exist).

  4. 70s and 80s. Yeah we didn’t have home video games,cable or cell phones. But our parents couldn’t track us every minute.

  5. Probably 60-90’s, at least in the US.

    High levels of autonomy and disposable income and before the age of all encompassing social media.

  6. 70’s. Right before parents became convinced their kid would be kidnapped. Right before lawsuits ruined waterparks (or held them appropriately accountable for maiming people). You could get laid as a teenager, and college in the 80’s would have been awesome.

  7. Im probably biased but the late 80s through 90s were great. A shit ton of autonomy, no social media, technology was just starting to pop so its was like the digital wild west. Pre-9/11 so the world hadn’t changed.

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