Basically the title. Once you go further than the talking stage, cook together, are intimate, and spend the night, are you still active on your dating apps? If you are, why? If you are not, why not?

  1. I don’t use dating apps but I heard plenty of people say they stop using it once they become official with the other person^

  2. No, even if we’re not serious yet. Courting is a lot of effort and I’ve never enjoyed the process. Getting to know someone cool is fun, planning and arranging dates and establishing initial rapport rarely is for me. I cannot relate to men that have the energy to pursue a bunch of women at once

  3. Unless I’ve agreed to be exclusive with someone if I’m on the dating apps I have no reason not to be on them.

    I’m either in an exclusive relationship with someone or I’m not. If I’m not I’m free to do what I’d like. There is no middle ground for me.

    The reason I’d stay active on them is I’m usually talking to other people. I might even be going on other dates.

  4. I love that “cook together” is on the same level as “sleep together”

    I’m personally not on any apps, but I would distance myself from other women if I thought something serious might be developing. There’s no hard and fast metric for that. Sometimes you have multiple hookups with someone but there’s no “serious” vibes and no feeling like it’s more, sometimes after a first dinner you start thinking “this could go somewhere”

  5. No. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it and don’t judge other people for it but when I tried it, it didn’t sit right with me.

  6. No. Because intimacy and staying multiple nights would mean we both already expressed a genuine connection with one another, and are a couple. The moment we’re boyfriend-girlfriend nobody else is attractive anymore, it’s like flicking a switch in my mind.

  7. If you got yourself a player and you went to bed with him without making it clear you want an exclusive relationship, you bet he is still on there.

  8. No … kinda rude … I rather focus on whit who ever im spending time , then look over the fence to see if the grass is greener .

  9. Imo you should keep your options open until a conversation has been had. Not point burning bridges unless you’re both in agreement.

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