I (F28) had a date with a guy (M28) on friday night, we had lots of fun, really good convo, he walked me home, gave me a big hug (I kinda saw it on him he wants to kiss me but seemed shy to do it) and at the end he asked for my number (prior to that we only talked on bumble) and asked me if I want to meet again, when I am free and we discussed to meet next weekend. But since then he didnt write anything. Is it possible he doesnt want to seem too desperate to write 1-2 days after the date? Should I write him or wait for him to reach out?

  1. Dont think about this to strategically. If you want to reach out, do it. He might be a person who has a lot to do and just does not have the time. He might have heard that he should not reach out too much for some reason. It can be a lot of reasons. In dating it is not about playing the best strategy to win in the end, it is about getting to know the other person and to see if you are compatible. If you are someone who wants to reach out and does not like to be left alone you should do so and if he does not like it, you are not meant for each other anyways.

  2. Just reach and don’t overthink. Overthinking will lead to both of u missing out and potentially drifting apart or losing each other.

  3. There are no universal rules for this. There’s no end to second-guessing yourself, so just do what you feel.

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