I know people find me interesting but I’m just so anxious I can’t really be my fun self and I just feel like an alien in the social event.

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  1. I watched this YouTube vid on how to be “that” person in a social situation – they used a guy from a movie as an example, where the guys body language was relaxed and comfortable, almost like he could make himself feel at home no matter where he was. His eye contact was on point, and he’d change the tone and pitch of his voice so it wasn’t always flat.

    Being more laid back doesn’t always come natural, it comes with *practice and time*

    So my suggestion to you is this: practice relaxing your facial expressions, your body, and your voice. Your body is going to tell you “omg there’s people here, im scared.” But try to push through that.

    What do you think of someone who is confident? You probably think they’re like the guy I described in the video. They’re comfortable, assertive, talkative, theyre relaxed…

    Now think of someone who isn’t confident. You could probably imagine this person looks at the floor, looks from left to right, has there head down, and tight body language. They probably do that nervous-laugh thing. They blush easy. They don’t recieve compliments well. There voice isn’t very clear. Their tone of voice is monotone.

    You don’t want to come across like this. So next time you’re in a group setting, practice making yourself come across the way you really want to. You have to put yourself in your companies shoes. What do they want to see?

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