My husband and I are going through some things. We’re separated for a lack of a better term. I’m living in a homeless shelter with my disabled daughter. He moved into a one bedroom apartment with our son. Our lease was up. I went over to his place the other day and I saw a notification on his phone from the dating app bumble saying he had a match and to log on to view it, but she had to respond first. He locks his phone and I don’t have access to it, this was on his Lock Screen.

He’s saying he’s not on bumble. I have a picture of his screen with the notification from the actual app. He said that he would be crazy to do that again since that’s how we met. He’s adamant that he’s not on bumble or that he ever tried to date on there. He’s said he wasn’t on there and the only way I could know was if I had an account myself. I’ve spoken with someone who he did in fact date from there (he moved her into our apartment at the time back in October before she left because she said she was afraid of him) and I have a picture of his email verifying his account creation back to the 23rd of October (my birthday! Two days after we left the first time and also lived in a homeless shelter, yes and he moved someone in within a couple weeks).

He’s still denying he has or had an account from bumble and that he isn’t dating. Called me an idiot, he doesn’t have time to date, blah blah. But I’ve got solid evidence showing otherwise. He even happened to go to a bar last night with a “dale and his wife” I’ve never heard of dale before, but they are good friends apparently. We’ve been married two and a half years. What the hell do I do or say to him?

  1. Say nothing. Says lots that ur the one in the shelter with daughter. If anyone has to be in shelter, should be him in shelter and u and kids in apt.

  2. All you need to be saying is divorce. You have all the proof, what more do you want? He’s obviously not going to tell you the truth and hounding him to death won’t make that change.

  3. You should be more focused on getting you and your child out of a homeless than you are being a PI and asking us to verify/what to say to him.

  4. find him on bumble. Just say “tag” or “caught”, or “busted” one word and block him from communicating for a week or two.

    Get a divorce lawyer.

  5. Why Are you even in any kind of Relationship with this deadbeat guy? Like Seriously. Is there even anything you believe that he tells you? If you Doubt him all the time, and know he’s a Cheat and a Liar, what the Hell are you still doing being with him? Teaching your Daughter how to date Losers and Deadbeats, Girl. You need to move on up in the world. You ain’t going anywhere but down with this dude. What would you tell your Daughter if she was with this kind of guy?

  6. Focus on getting out of the homeless shelter. Your(ex?) husband’s Internet habits are the least of your worries right now.

  7. So he literally said “the only way you would know I have one, is if you had one and seen mine?” 🤔

  8. His dating life is irrelevant to if you are separated. Being separated is the first painful step to healing.

    You are in a homeless shelter, focus on getting help for you and your daughter.

    Seek legal and psychological support in this matter. It’s hard.

  9. Frankly, who cares? This asshole is fine with you and your daughter living in a homeless shelter while he and your son have an apartment. The last thing you should care about is whether he is dating. You need to focus on getting divorced and getting into a better situation for you and your daughter.

  10. Why does it matter if he’s on bumble or not? You’re separated, you are living in a homeless shelter while he has an apartment, and he’s already moved someone else in? Please please try to do better for yourself. This is not what you need to be focusing on.

  11. Your ex is fine with you living in a homeless shelter. I’d be less concerned about bumble. He doesn’t sound like a catch. And it’s time you moved on.

  12. The worst thing hes done is not bumble sweetheart. Hes got you and your kid living in homeless shelter. Wake up. Move on.

  13. Wait Your living in a homeless shelter with your disabled daughter ? While He’s in the apartment. I’m not letting my wife and child (regradless if we’re separated or not) stay in a homeless shelter. That’s a more pressing matter in my opinion.

  14. Why is he in an apartment while you are in a shelter with a disabled child? You would think he would want to be sure his kids were housed and either taken both kids into the apartment or left you the apartment and moved into a shelter. This bothers me more than anything else about this dude.

  15. While unfortunate, I’m struggling to see what the issue is about him being on a dating app. You have stated that you are both separated. If that’s the case is he not free to date?.

  16. He’s gaslighting you. You’re in a *homeless shelter* and his instinct isn’t to help you but to date other people. This isn’t worth saving.

  17. Dude Look around! You are living in a homeless shelter with your disabled daughter. If there was ever a moment to focus on you and your child’s needs this is it. You need to get yourself some support so you can get start to build a life. Who gives a crap if this man you are separated from who is leaving you and your child in a homeless shelter is dating. Frankly, it is none of your business bc your business right now is providing for your self and child and getting into a stable home life for her. She deserves better. Be a mother and focus on your daughter. Her well being and stability.

  18. So… you’re living in a homeless shelter with a disabled child, while he lives in an apartment with your other child… and you’re worried about BUMBLE?!

    I’m concerned for these children. So very very concerned.

  19. Please stop worrying about his Bumble account – you have much bigger fish to fry here.

  20. Wake up! Your children need you to be the adult! Find some help from relatives or go to a social services office and find out if you are eligible for child disability payments. Get a skill or job and find your own path. The man you married allowed you and a disabled child to live in a shelter while he lives in an apartment playing with dating apps! What is wrong with you? Get your priorities straight and get going on improving your life and your childrens lived. They didn’t ask for this crap show of a life. My gosh what is wrong with you? Why are you even worrying about him dating? You are homeless in a shelter!!!!!

  21. You’re in a homeless shelter with your daughter. Why do you care what this man is doing? It’s clear he doesn’t care about what you are going through. Take care of your daughter and move on from him.

  22. This man signed up for a dating app and moved another woman into your home while you and your disabled child were in a homeless shelter. What could there possibly be to love about him? He sounds like a sleazebag, and he clearly doesn’t love you or he’d be trying to keep the family together.

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