Men who didn’t have a strong bond with your family/relatives growing up, how is life after you’re 25+ and living on your own?

  1. The lack of family connection definitely weighs pretty heavily on me. It’s not my most pressing issue, but there’s always this assumption when talking to people that family is what it’s all about, family’s always there for you, etc. and it’s pretty demoralizing knowing that everyone’s dead or largely strangers you’ve not talked to for years, effectively making them estranged. There’s other lack of personal connections that hurt more, but the lack of family makes it feel like there’s no one in my corner, really.

  2. I’m 36 and largely haven’t had a relationship with any of them. I do okay. Married, house, some friends.

    One sister passed on New Years Day. My mom just left passed a few days ago on Thanksgiving. My remaining sister is now realizing her own mortality and is aggressively trying to push a relationship in me which didn’t previously exist. My brother doesn’t want anything to do with anything.

    It’s bad and good in its own ways. I decidedly didn’t want kids for the longest time. My mom’s passing has changed that thought process. Life is a journey.

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