What color do you paint your nails in winter? (If you do)

  1. There is no definitive answer to this question since people have different preferences. Some might paint their nails in brighter colors to reflect the winter season, while others might prefer darker shades. Ultimately, it comes down to what you think looks best!

  2. Same as in summer. Light pinks, pastels and sometimes a more maroon colour. Depends more on what colour in outfits and makeup I’m planning rather than the season.

  3. Metallic finish: Various shades of pink and dark orange/rust.

    Any type of finish: Reds, golds, and nudes.

  4. I’m not a seasonal person so I always paint them in tune (not always matching) with what I’m wearing.

  5. I’m always some shade of blue. Currently it’s a dark blue with multi colored glitter in it. Looks like sparkling stars at night. Sometimes it’s more denim, sometimes it’s closer to teal. The only thing it never is or will be is red. My mom believes that is the only color nails should be. Therefore, mine never are😄

  6. Usually if we’re having a get together, I’ll do my nails in different colors similar to Christmas lights. Just a small festive touch.

  7. Deep red during most of December. Something fun and sparkly for New Year. Then switch to darker colours for the rest of winter, like black, blue, or purple.

  8. I always paint my nails black. It’s the last remaining indication of my teenage goth phase.

  9. I go with a wide variety of colors, depending on my mood, what I’m wearing, and what exactly I’ll be doing in the near future. And sometimes clear.

  10. Whatever color I think looks good honestly. I don’t base my nail color around the seasons but I get certain nail art depending on the season. I’m currently on an olive green kick right now.

  11. I get my nails done. They are currently blue (I’d consider this a royal blue) with an accent design on my ring fingers and thumbs. I like my polish to be fun and colorful.

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