What is your ideal first date ideas other then the classic nice dinner out?

  1. Go out at sea on a small boat to watch the stars, away from the city

    Then a storm passes and you are both lost on an unknown island, and the deprivation makes her want you because there is no competition

  2. Anything that doesn’t involve too much eating. A picnic/public park is nice. Or just a cafe shop date. Something refreshing, got good vibes and allows for a lot of chatting.

  3. The classic dinner date is the best first date. You get talk and find out about each other. Ask quotations to find out what the best second date would be.

  4. Since it’s cold out ice skating. Even if you don’t know how try it something about eating ice when you fall is adorable to girls. And if you can make her giggle…

  5. To me, a nice dinner out doesn’t sound like my ideal date idea. I don’t like eating in front of or sound people I don’t know, I’m not really into food, and, or course, the whole “who’s going to pay” thing. It just doesn’t sound fun.

    My ideal was one that I went on. We went to a museum. I like museums, she liked museum so it sounded perfect. And it kind of was. There was a lot of stuff to talk about and if we can out of things to say, we move on to the next museum piece. You don’t have to be staring at them like you would if you were at a table. It was super easy to gauge each other’s personality. It only cost, like, $10 for both of us.

    The unfortunate thing is that so few people would actually be interested in something like that. I’m pretty sure she was the only woman who would be into something like that haha

  6. I like to cook, so maybe make my fav. dish and ask her over? Or maybe thats a bit weird for a first date. Yeah thats definetly more a second date thing.

  7. I tend to keep it simple and relatively cheap for the first date – grab a coffee (a great time-limited date that can be done at any time of day, plus you can walk and talk), grab a few drinks (if you each buy rounds, then it avoids the “who pays” thing) or something fun but again, cheap-ish, like bowling.

    The kind of thing that gives you the time to get to know your date a bit better because the focus is more on conversation than something like dinner (eating, plus the “who pays” thing is an issue) or the cinema (watching the film).

    Dinner, for me, is probably a third date or later kind of thing.

  8. A walk in the park

    A trip to the mall to people watch

    A hike

    A pints and painting or paint and sip class

  9. Okay! I can answer this!! I had my first ever date last week and I’m feeling like a little bit of a pro!!

    I went to an ice cream shop. They are popping up more and more. I chose frozen yogurt just because it happened to be the cutest scene and froyo and ice cream are pretty similar.

    But it went great and it doesn’t take long to eat so if the date kind of sucks you can just eat fast and go your separate ways

  10. Constantly talking until our time is up, giving us the feeling that there is much more to say.

  11. Cook for her. Cheap Walmart shrimp, bacon, heavy whipping cream, and bow tie. So easy. You can talk while you prepare it, make it a cozy dinner, and share music with each other.

  12. A first date is usually better when it’s more casual, like a coffee date. Attending an event, like a concert, is also usually a fun one.

  13. I had a great first date several weeks ago. Met at a coffee shop and the went for a hike, ending up on a bluff overlooking the ocean. We stripped down and enjoyed the sunshine in our bodies, then ended up getting a hotel for the night and having lots of fun.

  14. The classics are classic for a reason.. no need to reinvent the wheel.. you might come off as weird needy or desperate.. try some of the more elaborate stuff later in the relationship.. first impressions are about your personality and how it matches with her.. pick a fine restaurant and be a gentleman

  15. You can spice it up: go to a themed cafe, go to a cat cafe, have a dinner in a dinner train. The fact that it’s a dinner out doesn’t mean that it should be boring.

  16. Going to a park, aquarium, beach, museum, gallery, just something cool to look at together. There’s plenty to talk about and chances to ask questions that reveal personality traits. A place that is quiet enough to talk, but has enough happening that the awkward silence has something to fill it. A place where you’re not pressured to talk because the act of observing together is as fulfilling as talking.

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