Can you tell if someone is interested in you just by eye contact? If so how?

  1. You cannot confirm if you don’t approach. Eye contact is the 1st step, you approaching her should follow-thru.

  2. I couldn’t even tell if someone is interested in me if they directly told me they were

  3. Yes. It is the second look that is showing interest. Smile back and see if a smile is returned. That establishes the first impression.

  4. They’re physically interested. You can usually ruin it with what you say once you approach though

  5. No.
    All these false statements that certain actions means someone is interested in you blabla is just so wrong. Everyone is different and if someone shows interest in a certain way another person might be the complete opposite.

    The only way to find out if someone likes you is to get to know them or ask them. Period.

  6. I’m haunted by the fact back in college this girl was always making eye contact with me and I completely ignored the signs.

  7. If there is a lot of eye contact I think

    But there are some players so you have to see if the eye contact is a habit or an “exclusive” one

  8. Sure. Work on your peripheral vision to spot if they are checking you out before making eye contact. Women are very good at this. Men are not.

  9. Usually when someone sees something they want their eyes dilate, which is why a lot of people who make extremely expensive purchases wear glasses. So, I guess if your talking with someone and making eye contact look to see if their eyes are dilated. Obviously this is a huge guess but it could work…maybe.

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