I (23M) have been a terrible person.

The first time we broke up was over a petty disagreement. She (21F) was the one that broke up with me.

The second time, was more serious because I started to think she just wasn’t for me, and instead of going cold turkey after breaking up I suggested we stay friends, even while dating other people. Of course it didn’t work out with these new women initially, as I kept comparing my ex to the them. After a year of trying, I gave up and came running back and she took me back because she didn’t want to let go in the first place. I was convinced I wasn’t going to find anyone like her so I returned, determined to make it work but it hasn’t worked after a year.

After writing in my journal today about our issues, I flipped back to entries I made last year and found myself complaining about the same things. She’s an amazing person, and while on one hand I think she just isn’t for me, I also fear that leaving her will be a big mistake.

I have learned my lesson. If I go through with this I honestly will need to be single for a very long time to I figure out what I want. I also DEFINITELY won’t hang around after I break up because I won’t want to have to break up with the same person yet again. It was already so bloody difficult the last time, watching her cry her eyes out and be depressed for weeks.

Even though I have no idea how to do it this time around, I’m afraid I have to do it again. I don’t even know what I would say this time. The thought of doing this also scares me because I’m scared I’ll be making a mistake, looking back ten years from now wishing I tried harder to make this work.

I’m so lost and I need all the advice I can get.

  1. It seems like it just isn’t going to work. Be honest with them. That’s all you can do.

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